This issue has emerged in another thread.
CCE Forum member DdF has posted this -
"East Lothian has quite a variety of ways of handling the problem of central islands squeezing cyclists, some of which are bad, some are quite impressive. The East Lothian Cycle Forum, where the council meets cyclist reps, has been pressing for uniformity. For a great example, see the picture on page 16 of SESTRAN guidance "Cycling Infrastructure" which is at Clearly wide vehicles will have to enter the advisory cycle lane, but the idea is it makes them more aware of the cyclist's need for space. Incidentally this guidance document was drawn up by SESTRAN (not Sustrans) for the benefit of all the councils in South East Scotland. Finally, if anyone thinks East Lothian is bad on central islands, you should try West Lothian - there's no concrete evidence that they even recognise there's a problem."