..know what a Lumen is..
Well, I'm not sure on the carrot scale but, and here I'm inspired by Arellcat's semicolonic explanaition..
A lumen is the SI derived unit for and amount of visible light and is the sum of the visible light emitted by a source of 1 candela of luminous intensity over one steradian. But that's probably not what you wanted to know!
A 60W light bulb (of the kind you can't get any more) is a source of about 1000 lumens.
Maybe more usefuly in this case, a domestic candle has a luminous intensity of about one candela and emits roughly evenly in all directions so emits about 12 lumens (4PI~12).
So you are going from ~3 to ~5 candle equivalents!
The increase from 40 to 60 won't seem as much as a 50% increase though because of the eye's non-linear response but more is always better, not least because cars seem to be engaged in some kind of headlight arms race that threatens to dazzle everyone!