Looking at the route from the cycle path which heads north from Crewe Toll, it heads out towards West Shore Road but there is a round about which forces the user east to Caroline Pk before heading north down to West Shore Road. But Google Street view (yrs old??) shows its blocked by road works.
Has anyone been down there recently? North of the round about is an area of rough ground leading to a brand new road. Has the round about and road been linked now?
Also opposite the Scottish Gas Building on Caroline Pk Ave (the New building north of the landscaped burn) has a tarmac route north of the same burn but its gated at both ends. Looks like a perfect cycle/pedestrian path. I can only assume its private land, but it seams silly to close it off as its a perfect cut through.
Also, last one I promis, is there only one bridge across the river at Cramond? at the Brig pub? It would be nice to follow the shore the whole way along without having to back up the river to the brig bridge before heading down to the shore again.
Dave C