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If the speed limit was 20mph...

(39 posts)
  • Started 12 years ago by Stepdoh
  • Latest reply from chdot
  • poll: Slow down?
    Aye : (7 votes)
    44 %
    Naw : (4 votes)
    25 %
    Mibbe if everyone else did : (5 votes)
    31 %

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  1. steveo

    I often wondered why the police didn't adopt a different strategy to speed limits (say on dual carriageways) by just sending two cop cars down the dual carriageway side-by-side at 70mph.

    I've noticed one doing 65 is good enough to keep several miles of traffic either side of the police car in check. Down south they seem to use the "Highway Maintenance" cars painted up to look like police cars in a similar manner.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. wingpig

    "I often wondered why the police didn't adopt a different strategy to speed limits (say on dual carriageways) by just sending two cop cars down the dual carriageway side-by-side at 70mph."

    Grimbister (q.v.)

    Trucks should be kept away from anywhere deemed suitable for a permanent 20mph limit, really. If the 20mph limit implies narrowness (either through design or parking) or residentiality or high frequencies of incidence or volumes of vulnerable entities then you don't really want things with poor visibility and massive turning circles trundling through them.

    Likelihood-of-causing-harm-due-to-kinetic-energy-or-morphology-of-potential-impact-site aside, cycles ought not to have a problem sticking to 20mph limits on slower roads for the same reasons as they're generally implemented - nice quiet roads, nice quiet ride, not steaming along. Steam along, with the cars who want to steam along, on roads unaffected by lowered-to-20mph limits.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Smudge

    Of course if we *really* wanted to almost end speeding, our elected representatives could introduce a law requiring that all new vehicles have gps fitted and connected to the main ECU in such a way as to limit the top speed of the vehicle to the speed limit for the road being travelled on. Make it part of the MOT for the system to work.
    An average GPS already shows when posted limits are available, and if they are being exceeded, electronic speed/rev limits are easy to apply. Combine the two and 90% of speeding would end within ten years. It would save people from genuine mistakes and after a while it would be as normal as seatbelts.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. Baldcyclist

    I'm all in favour of 20mph limits in built up areas, and surprisingly, for me at least, in favour of the proposed EU legislation to introduce 20mph (or kph equiv) limits to all built up areas in Europe.

    I must admit though, I don't understand all of the fuss I seem to have caused by suggesting that cyclists too should abide by these limits (by law, or not)?

    I shall continue to hold up the traffic whether on my bike, or in my car and stick to the posted limit!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. "I must admit though, I don't understand all of the fuss I seem to have caused by suggesting that cyclists too should abide by these limits (by law, or not)?"

    I think it's because it comes with the suggestion that it should be by law, which brings with it all sorts of practical implications as much as anything else (speedos on bikes and so on as mentioned above).

    If it doesn't come with that suggestion then it's really just a debate on why cyclists should stick to the limits, and (thankfully, it would be a boring world if we all agreed) there are differences of opinion.

    Tis all.


    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. p.s. 20mph limits in all urban areas? Yes, there's no genuine justification not to.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. Smudge

    Were it enacted I have to say I'd probably say I'd stick to it on a bicycle as well, I believe however to make it a legal requirement for bikes as well would be to use a sledgehammer to crack a largely imaginary nut.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  8. chdot

    Newspaper poll asks if you support Sustrans' call for 20mph. Find out why slower speeds work & vote
    1 hour ago from web

    @CTC_Cyclists retweeting @sustrans


    Posted 12 years ago #
  9. chdot

    "I get letters every day from people saying they’re too scared to cycle. We have to remove that fear and that danger, and make the roads safer. 20mph would be one measure."


    Posted 12 years ago #

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