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The option for Edinburgh tram than no one is considering

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  1. Tulyar

    No one seems to have though of proposing a system which costs around a tenth of the price of a Metro but can carry up to 40,000 passengers per hour in each direction at a timetabled speed of 22mph. It can use the tram route but where there are gaps that doesn't matter - these can be completed later as long as there is a suitable road connection

    To get the concept take a look at these 2 clips - a bus route carrying 300 passengers per bus at 30 second headways = a subway or tram system

    and - just watch how a hundred passengers get sucked up on to these multi door buses 40,000 pax/hour in one direction at a running speed of 22mph

    First does have some small 'Streetcars' which do not work well being used like conventional buses in York - so we could get a basic demonstration of the principle by running over the tram route where minimal adjustment/reversion is required (ie Leith Walk-Princes Street).

    I wonder what folk would make of a Curitiba/Geneva or other 25m 200+ passenger monster being used demonstrated. Could this be a way to salvage the Edinburgh 'tram' in its entirity - running oversize high capacity buses restricted to a dedicated network of roadways laid out to take them.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. chdot

    Yes but.

    The tram is (and always has been) more about politics than transport.

    Scroll down to comments by "Nathanael" (comments don't seem to have individual URLs).

    "Curitiba is now building light rail." Plus a lot more about advantages over buses for high density transit systems. Realistically the planned Haymarket (or even St. Andrew Square) to the airport route is likely to attract the number of passengers to 'justify' the cost of a tram - even if it had stayed 'on budget'.

    A tram before building the Gyle, Edinburgh Park and RBS would have made sense by using some of the money spent on the road network (including the M8 extension perhaps), but...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. eastsidebikes

    There is an existing trainline that passes the airport by 500m or so. I don't understand why building a train station at the airport was not considered. It could also serve people travelling from the North.

    A more general question to the more politically active members - what's the best way to voice my opinion on the trams to the people in charge?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. chdot

    "the people in charge"

    I think that is part of the problem...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. Morningsider

    eastside - your suggestion for an airport railway station has been considered, see the attached consultant's report produced for the then Scottish Executive:

    No one person/organisation is in charge of the trams project - it is mainly funded by Transport Scotland, project managed by TIE which is an arms length company of the City of Edinburgh Council - which has changed colour since the project began. The project was opposed by the SNP Scottish Government, but supported by Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems and Greens in the Scottish Parliament. The project is being built by a consortium of major international firms.

    Basically - everyone can blame somoene else for any particular problem, possibly even legitimately. The key beneficiaries of the project so far are a small army of lawyers.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. LaidBack

    On a side note...

    I hear the (over budget?) M74 is opening. Radio ads are on at moment warning drivers to be especially awake on Monday as their usual commute will change. (Will it be slower because of extra traffic i wonder?)
    We do know how to build roads here and even have radio instructions telling Radio Forth listeners about them. Followed by car ads.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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