Heading west along MacDonald Road yesterday after 8pm, just passed the junction at Leith Walk and look round to check for left turners, as there's a potential side swipe junction popular with the 'accelerate to overtake and cut off' brigade. One car indicating, overtakes me and turns in front of me, but I'm pootling at low speed so plenty of time and space, no problem. I drift onwards, just edging across the left hand junction when a wee Micra appears on my right, indicator on and turns, at speed, right across me! I slam on the brakes for an emergency stop, cursing the driver very loudly. The car continues to turn left at speed, with only a couple of inches to spare.
I was nearly killed or seriously injured there. Furious, I give chase across the cobbles, uttering murderous threats but of course it is futile. Not even sure that the driver looked at all to see if there was a cyclist in the cycle lane. Probably not. Or maybe thought 'I'll just squeeze past if I floor the accelerator'. The latter is how it seemed to me.
Chalk up another random near death experience on MacDonald Road (had a beep and deliberate swerve towards me last month at another side street). Is it that it's a traffic-calmed straight, flat bit of road? Do the drivers (subconsciously or consciously) resent the cycle lanes, the speed bumps, the zebra crossing, the built out kerbs, and thus go out of their way to attempt murder?
I need one of those air horn things. Or a heat seeking missile to fire at offending vehicles.