History thus far:
1988: My elder sister gets given a Raleigh Record Sprint
1990: My other sister and I get given the newly popular mountain bikes, and laugh our heads off since racers had just become incredibly uncool.
1994: My elder sister learns to drive
1994-2004: Bike stays in garage
2004: Sister gets whim to commute on bike and has handlebars and tires replaced and general tinkering done.
One day after getting bike back from service, 2004: Sister decided she can't be bothered.
May 2011: I discover I've ruined my knees from years in the gym and have to find something else to keep in shape. Decide to cycle instead of take bus.
May-September 2011: Wonder if I can ask for several thousand pounds in fare money back from LRT and an apology for ever allowing me to demean myself with such a slow and unstylish mode of transport.
September 2011: Get the n+1 itch. Go to various bike shops in Edinburgh and get sensible advice.
The aforementioned racer(I'll get round to calling it a road bike one year, I'm sure) is a lovely wee thing for my daily Slateford/Gyle/Morningside commute on dry days, but it's not so comfy for anything longer and the lack of mudguards means I fear the coming wet days. In summer I just went for the hakagure rain method, but that's daft for winter.
What I *want* is an oldschool awesomesauce Grandpa roadster, and also something with long-distance comfort since I'm now finding Edinburgh a little small when it comes to thinking of trips.
What I *need* is a sensible modern commuter that's more robust and winterproof, and a sensible modern tourer. This is what the nice men in the shops have been telling me and I can't find a logical bone to pick with them. But that's boring as hell and won't match my tweed and beard.
So I want bad advice from other people that have actually done the style-over-substance thing and loved it.
Other bad advice, for example 'when swimming in shark-infested always carry a seal that's just had a tattoo done' will be accepted as well and taken on merit.