CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Leisure

Murrayfield by bike (or why we should always carry our spokes map)

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  1. SRD

    Had a fun night at the ice hockey last night, but very foolishly got on our bikes and realised that despite discussing (ie arguing about) possible routes, neither of us had actually looked at cycle streets or the spokes map. So, on the way there (his route) we went miles out of our way (Balgreen road) and then along Costorphine road, and on the way back, I tried to find Russell Road from the Roseburn park, but instead found the Western approach....

    So, after putting two very sleepy children to bed, we looked at the Spokes map and saw what we should have done and how easy it ought to have been...SIGH.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. recombodna

    Posted 13 years ago #

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