sounds a bit like the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
I thought I would share with you a tale of woe
A tale of a bad pot hole on Torphichen St a blown out back tyre and the paperwork waste of time
So I complained on about the incident (Jan 13th - this is important remember this for later) and the council very kindly sent me a claim form which I filled in and sent back along with the receipt for approx £12 worth of parts
The council's lawyers write back saying
Your claim is being considered
Time passes
A new letter arrived a few days ago and goes something like this
[quote]blah blah blah, you can't prove you did not misuse the road... blah blah blah, the Council has a responsibility to maintain the pavements and highways and as they had carried out a survey on the 11th and were aware of it but had not had time to fix it the Council is not at fault...
Right, are there any lawyers here who can explain this to me?
They knew about it so that makes it OK?
Can you tell me how much these two letters have cost the tax payer (ie. me) just to dodge £12?