I was on a new wee folding bike I just bought a week ago second hand. It has a rear coaster brake plus a front v-brake. I'm still not quite used to the coaster brake setup so it may be I braked too harshly, it came on too powerfully, locked the back wheel and went into a skid.
It all happened very quickly and before I knew it a kindly taxi driver and a lady who saw me fall off were helping me and my bike, panniers, hat to the pavement. When I saw copious amounts of blood dripping from above my eye I knew I wasn't going anywhere but to a medic. I couldn't tell how bad it was, but it felt sore.
Pondered folding the bike and taxi to A&E, but after 10 minutes I felt okay to walk. So I just walked my bike down to London Road and limped into the doctor's surgery.
All cleaned up, dressings on sore bits, tetanus jab, resting with cup of tea in bed. So all fine really, just a bit sore.
There are others on this forum who've suffered much worse injuries recently and my thoughts are with them. I realise I was very lucky that it wasn't more serious.