I was talking to one of the other cyclists in our kitchen this morning at work. He stated that his ride in was near hell.. the reason, so many cyclists. He said at one point he was nearly forced into the back of a bus as someone on a single speed over took him and at the last second and didn't leave room for him to pull out. He also says at some points on his commute in there are so many cyclists that on the down hill sections there is a large mele of motor vehicals and cyclists all traveling at the same speed, and when the cars come to a halt, all the cyclists sinkl through to the front making a mass of cyclists all over the place when lights turn green...
So are we doing something right (in getting so many cyclists on the road) or something wrong in lack of disipline or respect for other road users, be them motor of self powered?
(I think my collegue may be slightly selfish - but then we all are at some point)