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Queens Drive Gradient

(9 posts)
  • Started 14 years ago by Paul R
  • Latest reply from gembo
  • This topic is not resolved

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  1. Paul R

    Can anyone tell me what the % gradient is for Queens Drive in Holyrood Park, between St Margarets Loch and Dunsapie LOch (the steep bit)? Cheers

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. PS

    Its broadly 5-6% as you go up round the Eastern edge, then steepens to 9-10% (you'll know the bit if you've ridden it), then it's somewhere between 5-6% before levelling off at the loch.

    That 9-10% bit always seems steeper than that when you get there, but I guess that's just the shock of the gradient change (and perhaps it's a bit steeper on the inside of the corner) after getting in a rhythm on the earlier section.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. LaidBack

    My impression of it is close to that above.

    First half is 5-6%
    Then a quarter at 9-10% - I always say it's 1 in 9
    Last quarter at 5-6%

    As a past sponsor of the Arthur's Seat Challenge I rode it a few times. The winner of this charity challenge was Ross Crook. Just ahead of Evan Oliphant.
    I have oft remarked that these guys were at the finish while I was still trying to get over the 1 in 9 'bump'. Not that we were ever on 'the hill' at same time!

    I guess they kept in the big ring and forced the bike at around 18mph on the first half uphill. Then maybe dropping a bit on the hill? A final short sprint to the line at 20+mph. Gears used 2 (if any). Power applied 359w. Average cyclist would be 250w

    One things for sure... they would not have been bugged by cars wishing to overtake them. This always spoils this park road for cycling.

    The Challenge is closed now. The site was created by Tom Orr of the ERC and is a fine piece of work. The only fault I think is the profile which seems to miss out the steep bit. But maybe there's a reason for that!

    Check out the power metre and find out how average you are!

    ARTHUR'S SEAT CHALLENGE - Edinburgh's longest running hill time trial.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. gembo

    Laidback, from the timings you appear to have 'rode it a few times' on the same day on different bicycles but never on a unicylce?

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. steveo

    I have a GPX file from one time i rode round it, if you want a copy let me know and i can email your it, if you promise not to laugh at my fat ass trying to crawl up the hill.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. steveo

    Ouch just had a look at that leader board, bloody hell those guys are quick. I took more that 5 times as long as the best dudes, its got to be said though I am hideously unfit.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. druidh

    Laidback - that's the gradient profile I sent you. I'm afraid the lack of detail (e.g. the indication of the steep bit) is down to the inadequacy of the equipment used. I must try it again with a more modern GPSR - and mibbe go a bit lower so that it doesn't average out the readings so much.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. LaidBack

    Laidback, from the timings you appear to have 'rode it a few times' on the same day on different bicycles but never on a unicylce?

    Can't balance one of those... My times were not on same days - must be logging error. Had to recover for a month between attempts...

    Actually it gets easier. The only thing that puts me off is having to discourage cars from overtaking. If you like practising prime position with a 4x4 on your back wheel this is the route for you!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  9. gembo

    apologies Laidback, my mistake. My vision of you going up, then round then swapping bikes and going up again are nothing but fantasy

    Posted 14 years ago #

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