Bit of a resurrection this, but I know Uberuce and kaputnik love these bits of infrastructure too!
emailed the west team about a couple of grumbles on the broomhouse path - response below....
Thank you for your emails regarding the cyclepath at Broomhouse.
There is a requirement to provide tactiles for blind and partially
sighted pedestrians to advise them of a change from a shared use surface
to a segregated cycle/pedestrian path. The route from Stenhouse to
Edinburgh Park is segregated for most of its length. However, there are
short lengths of path where cyclists and pedestrians share the same
area. For example on the approach to signalised junction crossings. The
tactile slabs are therefore provided at the points where the use of the
path changes.
There are recommended patterns of slab to be used on the cycling and
pedestrian sides. The contractor has been asked to check these locations
to ensure that the correct pattern has been used.
The contractor has been instructed to ensure that the temporary paths
and areas at which they are operating are cleaned and maintained
I would like to thank you for bringing these matters to our attention,
and should you require any further information please contact me.
...removed.... | Customer Services Manager | Tram Co-ordination Team |
City of Edinburgh Council
9 Lochside Avenue | Edinburgh Park | Edinburgh | EH12 9DJ
Tel: 0131 623 8815