Guy trying and failing to cross Craigmillar Park in the dark. Wandering around in the traffic with one shoe. Crossed - eventually - and walked straight into a hedge.
I stop and get hold of him but he can't speak. Another guy comes out of the house and we get him sat down and call the cops. One-Shoe continues to eat pills out of his pockets. I advise him not to do this but also ask for a share of the pills to keep the dose down. One-shoe tries to ride off on the SUNLIT Uplander. I prevent this, gently, and persuade One-Shoe that he is looking after me (he cannot speak but seems to understand) and we sit on a wall together. One-Shoe is harmless but perfectly bewildered.
The cops come after a long time and take One-Shoe to be pumped out in the hospital. Just say no, kids.