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QBC survey

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  1. SRD

    Sally - watch out for the age categories hidden at the back...

    Edinburgh Quality Bike Corridor - survey for PG student [please complete only if you use or live near it]

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. elenahodge


    Thanks for posting the link to the survey.

    My name is Elena and this survey is to gather data for my disseration, part of my MSc Urban and Regional Planning at Heriot-Watt.

    I am following other threads regarding the QBC, please let me know if you have any questions regarding the survey.

    Thanks for the responses,


    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. elenahodge

    Further to the above survey,

    If you don't live or work near the QBC, but have cycled along it after July 15th, please follow this link to a short survey (5 min max) regarding its design.

    Thanks once again!


    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. ARobComp

    I can't believe it made me identify between 19-25 year old people or 26-40 year old people.....

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. cc

    I've filled in both surveys, thanks.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. Kirst

    Not at all happy about being in the same age bracket as the 60 year olds!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. elenahodge


    Since a lot of the student population is away, the age group 19-25 is intended to see if the survey captures any of this audience, whilst 26-40 would perhaps refer more to young professionals. Hope that explains it.


    Posted 12 years ago #
  8. SRD

    so what do you call people in 41-65?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  9. chdot

    Sir or Madame??

    Posted 12 years ago #
  10. ARobComp

    I am a young professional now....? I really need to spend less time reading about cycling and watching the TDF

    Posted 12 years ago #
  11. elenahodge

    Thanks for your comments regarding the age brackets.

    These age brackets are cited in academic literature and on professional questionnaires, however, I have noted the comments for future reference, so that perhaps in future responses just request the exact age. Additionally, quantitative data will be complemented with qualitative data, which will not refer to age.

    Unfortunately I cannot change it in this instance, as it would involve not being able to count the responses that have already been submitted.

    Hope that clarifies...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  12. Kirst

    It's fine, it's not a big deal, it's just quite traumatic to find myself in the same age group as old people!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  13. ARobComp

    Sorry - I'm not really complaining! I understand completely. Best of luck with the survey. I filled it out and look forward to hearing results!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  14. chdot

    And finally -



    Back in July I posted some information on the forum regarding a survey I was carrying out. I would like to thank you for your help in facilitating the research I carried out as part of my MSc in Urban and Regional Planning at HW.

    I recently got my dissertation submission results back and also graduated with distinction, thanks for the part you played in it!

    I know SPOKES was interested in the results so they could make them available on their website, but I can't recall whether that was the case with City Cycling Edinburgh, please find them attached just in case.

    Unfortunately, I am currently abroad and do not have the PDF version I saved of it, but I hope these documents can be of some use: the printed version of the dissertation included a Student Innertube Map (on pg 45) and an A3 print out of the attached map at the beginning of Chapter 6 (between pages 46 and 47).

    The main comments from the markers were:

    - the fact that recommendations could have been stronger in regards to suggestions on how the quality of the facilities should have been improved
    - the lack of comments on the wider lessons learn from the case study

    Nevertheless, the overall review was very positive and thus I feel quite confident about passing it on, I would be happy if the information gathered throughout the research can be used further by others: feel free to share it.

    I should be back in Edinburgh next summer, and I hope to be involved in Edinburgh's cycling scene in some way, perhaps volunteering with Sustrans, so we might bump into each other again!

    In the meantime, I wish you all the best.



    Here are the two documents as original Word docs and PDFs - which may have slightly different fonts and layout from the original.

    Declaration PDF | Doc

    Dissertation PDF Doc

    I haven't read it all but I did skip to the Conclusions and found -

    Design principles have been widely adopted from the Dutch criteria and have also set the basis of the design for the Quality Bike Corridor. Research established that although the criteria had been taken into account, motorized transport remained a priority during the design process of the Quality Bike Corridor.


    and in the Recommendations -


    The intention to work towards infrastructure that facilitates sustainable transport is stated by the Scottish Government and in the Edinburgh Active Travel Action Plan. For this reason, the priority given to motorized vehicles when designing facilities for the bicycle should be reconsidered.


    On skimming I saw -

    As well as in the qualitative data, the need for restriction enforcement was evident from participant observation (not one journey was made without obstructions), from direct observation, see Figure 6.5.9 (with one car parked on the cycling lane in Bristo Place for over 25 minutes at peak-time), from information from the public consultation, and from the Quality Bike corridor “watch” blogs on .

    (the typo is forgiven)

    and LOTS of good stuff that I'm sure campaigners and the Council will read with interest...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  15. crowriver

    Thanks chdot, very interesting. I've skimmed through a few bits. Perusing the appendices, I was really shocked to discover the original proposal for a Kings Buildings to George Square route from a report in 1985 (p.88). 1985!

    So, it has taken 27 years for the route to be realised. Not only that, but it looks as though the 1985 version is much more ambitious than the half-hearted, half-arsed QBC car parking/loading bay area.


    Maybe I will get those 'Teach Yourself Dutch' CDs after all...

    Posted 12 years ago #

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