By email (my bold) -
The Campaign for Borders Rail has been pushing for the new railway not to make the Airdrie-Bathgate mistakes on walking / cycling access. There have been a number of successes, notably:
· getting the maximum wait at the A7 pedestrian crossing from bus to rail stations at Gala reduced from 90 seconds to 30 seconds
· extra bike racks at all the new stations
· a direct path from Newtongrange station to the National Mining Museum.
The overall picture remains unclear, as station etc works are still progressing, but we know of at least one case where a promised more direct link does not appear to be materialising – at the south end of Gorebridge station.
CBR is up to it eyes with various campaign priorities (rolling stock suitability, ideas for the opening celebrations, auditing the lack of passive provision for double track, seeking to commission a study of extension south from Tweedbank, etc) and isn’t in a position to do a comprehensive audit on walking / cycling access.
But is this an exercise which cycling activists might take on? We’re thinking in essence of an audit of how well the seven stations connect to safe cycle and walking routes around them and identification of any obvious gaps where new links, crossings etc should be provided.