Chris Boardman, 1992 Olympic gold medallist and BBC Sport summariser
Final answers from Twitter Q&A (thanks for your questions): Q. What are the chances for the British women in the road race? (@BatizLazo) A. Nicole Cooke and Lizzie Armistead are probably boosted by the fact they are not considered favourites. Lizzie's sprint has been strong so far this year. Nicole has had a quiet year, but she is a passionate fighter. The challenge for the British team is to manage their resources. I understand the plan is for Nicole to cover early breaks and be aggressive and if it comes down to the spint, there will be the support of Lizzie. Q. Who are your favourites for the women's race apart from the Brits? (@EltonPritchard) A. Dutch rider Marianne Vos is the bookies' favourite, but for me the strongest contender is Giorgia Bronzini. She will be backed brilliantly by Italy, who have a superb national team. I think Bronzini and Vos are the two main contenders.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/mobile/olympics/2012/stories/19014280 - being updated
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