The Leith Programme - Email Update 8, 19 February 2013.
Utilities work - update of 19 February
Work has started as scheduled on the utilities element of the Leith Programme at two sites in the area.
Constitution Street - North side from Baltic Street to Maritime Lane - 18 February to 5 March (estimate)
Most of the work will involve replacing service connections to properties. Works in this section are being carried out in the footway with pedestrians being diverted onto a temporary walkway on the road. A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) has been advertised allowing a period of three weeks (17 February to 10 March 2013) and suspension of parking and loading bays. This will be managed so far as possible on a day to day basis to minimise disruption. Working hours 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday.
Leith Walk - North side from Stead's Place to Balfour Street - 18 February to 10 March (estimate)
Most of the work will involve the replacement of existing service connections to properties to the new main and are being carried out in the footway and the bus lane on the carriageway requiring its temporary suspension. An initial TTRO for this site has been advertised allowing a period of three weeks (17 February to 10 March) and suspension of parking and loading bays. This will be minimised so far as is possible on a day to day basis.
Working hours 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday. However there will be a requirement for some service disruptions to water supply but these will be carried out during night working hours in order to minimise any disruption. All affected properties will be notified.
Work to abandon the old main will involve some more extensive traffic management as minor road closures at Stead's Place and Middlefield will be required. Small diversions will be in place at both locations and access to the timber yard at Stead's Place will be maintained. A further TTRO is expected and we will provide an update once this has been advertised.
Give the nature of the work involved, some work might transpire to be more complicated than originally planned for and take longer while some may be less so and completed more quickly. We aim to provide information as it becomes available but please note that the timescales are indicative and any changes will be updated on our website and through stakeholder emails.
Any enquiries can be fed into the City Centre and Leith Neighbourhood on 0131 529 7061, or direct to myself, Alan Dean 0131 529 7519 or 07739 188 348.