NB In Montreal the campaigners simply paid their $.025c for every parking bay for a full block and created a bike route, sound a possible guerilla action - block off parking and stick on parking tickets (so you've paid for the space nem conand exercised the 11th commandment nunc nostri est
It might combine with a Park-ing day when parking bays are converted in to mini parks.
A possible crowd sourced survey might be to check out just how much area of the carriageway outside is actually needed to fulfill the statutory obligation of a means to pass & repass traffic. My reckoning is that less than 50% of the street surface area in Edinburgh is actually used for moving traffic around,
So we could get a 50% reduction in the amount of carriageway demanding repairs etc and a huge area of ground which can be used to provide rainfall attenuation, and 'air conditioning' through generation of oxygen (photosynthesis) to reduce Edinburgh's carbon footprint, and cooling through the latent heat of evapouration of water - as it is sweated by growing plants.