CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Leisure

This Sunday 23rd May

(26 posts)

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  1. Min

    Carried on from the Etape Caledonia thread does anyone want to try this route?

    "A good '2 hour' route is up to Kirknewton via Long Dalmahoy and back into town on back roads to Balerno if anyone is interested."

    Suggested start times are 10 am or 11am from Middle Meadows Walk.

    I vote 10am start.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. steveo

    I have a wedding reception on Saturday night so i'll probably not be in any shape for a ride on Sunday. However if your going by Longstone up Lanark Road about 1130 I might be able to cope.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. LaidBack

    I'm on for it. Weather is looking good. Need to find another bike as I sold the orange one.

    We will be going by Longstone and onto Calders for a wee while. Should be way past Kirknewton by 11.30 ;-)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. steveo

    Well depends what time you start.... :p

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. I shall be ferrying about marathon relay runners I'm afraid.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. Kim

    I might be interested, if there is a decision on the start time.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. LaidBack

    I'm on for 10am. Could move to 11. Or meet half way.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. cb

    Don't think I can manage Sunday, but if it's a 10am start then I might come to the start to say Hi and wave you all off.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  9. Kim

    So are we going for a 10am start??

    Posted 14 years ago #
  10. LaidBack

    10 am meet up? Off by 10.30 latest.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  11. Arellcat

    I'll try to put in an appearance, but I'm not sure I'll manage much pace or distance since my leg is still very much repairing itself. I shan't mind if you fast boys put the hammer down. :-)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  12. LaidBack

    OK - will see who turns up tomorrow.

    The Bicycle Works is closed for one day tomorrow.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  13. cb

    I'll hopefully be there tomorrow.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  14. gembo

    If you had undertaken this route yesterday on arrival in Balerno you would have encountered fancy dress and floats as it is Gala Month in our village. Given it is the home of the most competitive parents ever, some very impressive costumes. Don't worry if you have missed out as we still have the 6 mile Rig Race (running) on Monday, the dog show, kids cycling RACES, the pet show and much much more before Danny Mc brings his Clan back to the actual Gala Day next Saturday.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  15. Min

    Hehe, sounds like chaos!

    So the group in the end was myself, Laidback, Kim, CB and Arellcat - who unfortunately had to cut short the ride because of her leg.

    It was a pretty good route although some of the road surfaces were interesting the roads once you get out of Edinburgh are pretty quiet. And gorgeous sunshine, a bit unexpected really since the forecast was for showers and it looked very grey when I left. And it was nice to meet everyone. :-)

    Although one of us fell off in a comedy dismount incident..

    Posted 14 years ago #
  16. Kim

    It was a good ride, great to be able to put a couple more faces to names. We should do this more often ;-)

    I was in a wee bit of trouble when I got home, have said I was only going out to say hello and then returning four hours later. I have to say sitting outside a pub bike spotting was almost as good as the ride, but it really was a cracking ride (even if I did get dropped a few times).

    Posted 14 years ago #
  17. LaidBack

    Felt bad about Arellcat having to drop out - particularly as that is a favourite route.

    Also felt bad about the Heriot Watt 'knee' incident.

    Anyway we will do again. The route was just intended to be the quickest way in and out to the west of Heriot Watt - everyone did pretty well using the greenway I think.

    A 'less traffic way' is to use the Colinton path and then go up over the A70 at Juniper Green and drop down by Muirwood Road and over Currehill to Long Dalmahoy. (No I haven't a map!)

    One of our party did have a Garmin. So maybe some stats. Think high point was 570ft.

    The Earl of Marchmont pub allowed viewings of many bikes of the kind featured in Cycle Chic postings. One lime yellow Brompton with lime yellow hatted rider (flourescent cover on helmet?)
    A red MTB with matching red crud catcher and red haired rider...

    Also got a good view of an extra cold Guinness.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  18. Kim

    Just knocked up a wee map, we did about 40Km and ca. 190 m vertical climbing.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  19. Min

    Ah excellent, especially as I fluffed the GPS - it wasn't recording. I only really took it in case I needed to turn back. Just means we'll have to do it again!

    Cool photo though.

    "Also felt bad about the Heriot Watt 'knee' incident."

    Don't be silly. It was a good job you were all there otherwise I would have gotten away with it (apart from the pronounced limp I am now walking with) and that would never do. ;-)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  20. cb

    A nice route, I'll use it again I'm sure. As Kim says, nice to put faces to names and indeed names to usernames.

    Felt a bit rude for peeling off at Colinton without saying goodbye - I had slowed up a bit with the intention of waving goodbye at the lights, but then the green came up and I thought I'd better go for it as a car had patiently waited behind me.

    Will post the picture I took later once I'm home.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  21. steveo

    I'm sorry i missed it, by about ten o'clock i was just about able to focus enough to walk down to my mates to pitch a tent. No way on earth my stomach would have taken to a brisk cycle.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  22. cb

    With apologies to Arellcat who had left the ride just five minutes previously...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  23. Min

    It looks like I'm standing much further away than everybody else..

    Posted 14 years ago #
  24. chdot

    Camera never lies.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  25. cb

    You'll also notice that my bike and Laidback's bike are much taller than Kim's and Min's.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  26. Min

    I'll try that trick next time. ;-)

    Posted 14 years ago #

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