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Milan Velomobile heads west

(5 posts)

  1. LaidBack

    Milan Velomobile Mk2 number 43 is now with owner after an inaugral 40+ mile journey/test ride. I did some escort duties although we did almost have a disaster in first ten seconds of journey. Arellcat has got a nice pic (not sure if it sells velomobiling though!). Once away from Marchmont on the A8 it was a lot safer with predicatble heavy traffic(!). Cars overtook as if it was a bigger vehicle. Of course they wouldn't approve - partly because I was on a pedal bike following. the bike paths aren't really useable for the Milan as it works better at a steady speed.The aero advantage was evident as I had to put Fuego into highest gear and out the bike as low as possible to keep it small.

    On the A8 near Uphall by LaidBackBikes, on Flickr

    On the A8 near Uphall by LaidBackBikes, on Flickr

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Richie_B

    It turned out to be closer to 60 miles. Still, "follow the A89 until you hit something you know well," is a tough set of directions to follow.
    I can confirm that 30kg HPVs do not climb well, in case there was any doubt. 10% climbs are not something this machine is well adapted to. Nor am I, so we got on well. Except on the climbs....
    Seriously fun though!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Darkerside

    Little electric motor and you'd be laughing...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. Uberuce

    Yesterday while watching Avengers, did anyone else think to themselves 'ooh look, it's the velomobile' just after Loki and Stark have their verbal spar?

    If you didn't watch Avengers yesterday, then sorry, I don't think we can be friends any more.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. gembo

    Looks good particularly on long straight roads with no incline

    Posted 12 years ago #

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