My daughter is getting bored with riding round the park on her bike, and I'd like to help her develop her skill(z). After all, riding a bike isn't really as simple as riding a bike: it takes a bit of practice to really be competent and confident.
She's better than she thinks she is, but hasn't yet got the confidence to throw herself down muddy slopes and do the other things that I did when I was little older than her. I'd like to help her build up to that.
So, the kind of things I'm looking to develop are her confidence, balance and bike handling. We've experimented with riding one-handed, and have had a go at trackstanding, very slow riding and tight turns and stuff.
Do you know any good resources for training her in skill(z) of this kind? Not only am I thinking of advice on what to train her and how to do it, but also maybe instructions/suggestions on things to make to encourage and develop her. I'm sure that I've seen pictures of things used at local schools (seesaws and stuff).
All suggestions gratefully received.
P.S. It would have to be things we can do at Morningside Park (which has a great expanse of flat tarmac well-known to bicycle polo players) and on Craiglockhart Hill. Tempting though a BMX park would be, we're not in that territory yet...