CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Computers, GPS, 'Smart' 'Phones

EBC cycle computer

(5 posts)

  1. NiallA

    Bought one of these a year or two back (wireless model = Velocity, I think), and decided to put it on my new Nazca Fuego this afternoon. Of course, in the intervening period I have managed to lose the instructions with the codes to programme in different wheel sizes. Does anyone else have this model and the relevant info (i.e. is more organised than I am)?

    If not, hopefully someone at EBC will take pity on me and open up a blister pack to dig out the relevant table...


    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. Greenroofer

    Sheldon Brown has one answer:

    (Although this may be more trouble than sweet-talking EBC)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. DaveC

    if the code for the wheels size is numbers round about 2140 for instance, then this is the distance your wheel travels in one revolution in millimetres.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. DaveC

    I have a cycle computer I need to install soon. Its a Trek Incite II and these number are from the instructions:

    700 x 20 = 2086
    700 x 23 = 2096
    700 x 25 = 2105
    700 x 28 = 2136
    700 x 32 = 2155
    700 x 35 = 2168
    700 x 38 = 2180
    650 x 23 = 1930
    26" x 1.5 = 2010
    26" x 1.90 = 2045
    26" x 1.95 = 2050
    26" x 2.0 = 2055
    26" x 2.1 = 2068
    26" x 2.2 = 2075

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. NiallA

    Thanks very much indeed! It does seem to use the circumference in mm, so have worked out the appropriate figure for the Fuego's 20inch front wheel/ tyre. Much appreciated.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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