CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure


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  1. SRD

    "fix me" courtesy of the bbc

    is it my imagination or has someone come along and filled in potholes on the pedestrian side of NMW (nr junction with MMW)? not very good patches, but bizarre thing to do given they're about to redo the whole thing.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. kaputnik


    SRD wouldn't be surprised if someone reported the holes to fix months ago and the cooncil are just catching up. They've only just got round to infilling around the manhole cover at foot of Argyle Place left turn lane that I first reported about 3 months ago. They have of course completely ignored the similarly poor state of the other manhole cover not 2 metres from it.

    And you give the council too much credit if you imagine that the pothole filling department makes reference to the department planning improvement works to a bit of path before turning up with their wheelbarrow of soft tar to dump in it and lightly tamp down!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. crowriver

    Not before time. If/when the ice disappears, I look forward to trundling along NMW without having to endure teeth-jarring bumps, or swerve around the craters.

    The resurfacing/remodelling: when is that scheduled for I wonder? Presumably before the financial year end (April)? Any improvement before that has got to be welcome.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. SRD

    Gave in and wrote a wee Blogpost about these potholes - after notices two already crumbling. Pictures too.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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