Hello [Trams],
thanks for your reply, tomorrow it will be 2 weeks and nothing has been done. Yet nearly every day there are vehicles parked at the tramstop, each of which is churning up the verge, brining mud and debris across the path, then repeating the process in the opposite direction.
Here's a picture (capture.jpg) taken on yesterday's icy morning. The mess is plain to see. Mud, water, gravel and who knows what else lurking inside. On Tuesday there was a transit van, a lorry and an estate car parked up at the tramstop. And there was no space for a broom in any of them so that someone could clean up your mess?
I refer also to the picture (Tactile.jpg), which illustrates the (frankly unnecessary) tactile paving slabs installed on either side here. Note the lateral slabs are of the sort intended to warn the hard-of-sight about hazards. They are not the sort prescribed for the cycling surface. The closely-packed, rounded and proud ridges on these slabs are a hazard to bike wheels (have you ever tried cycling on these in the rain or the ice?). These slabs make negotiating this part of the path hard enough of a morning without all the mess the contractors have left. The best solution is to go around them on the wrong side - clearly not what was intended.
These slabs, and the bollard in the image, were laid as part of the tram works and so should be sorted as part of the snagging works. This is not the only location on the path where the wrong sort are used (if you'd like I can list them all). But the priority is to fix the verge and clean the path. And if vehicles need long-term access to the tram platform then either concrete/pave/tarmac the verge and drop the kerb or provide running boards.
Yours in frustration,