My boyfriend and I were just discussing a visit to my parents (near Newcastle upon Tyne) for a weekend soon.
A couple of minutes on the East Coast website and I find that the cheapest tickets left cost £68 return for the two of us.
We don't own a car, so b/f does some searching and tells me that the cheapest car is £52 plus petrol - so approaching £80 total.
Advantage of train - we can relax, use laptop, read, whatever. If we drive, someone has to give driving their full and undivided attention, and there are limits to what the other person can do.
Time - 2 hours in the car. 1h40ish on the train, plus some time to get to Waverley. It is the last 9 miles at the Newcastle end that is the problem - we can get the metro so far out but it is still 3 miles at the end, so someone has to come to get us in the car. (There's a bus that gets you closer, but it is infrequent and doesn't run late at night, so is no use if I'm going down after work for example.)
A lot of times the train wins for pleasantness of journey and cost. However this time we're talking about taking our road bikes, and if we do do that, then it will be in the car. (We have actually done it by train, but getting the bikes to my parents then involves someone coming into town to get at least one of us and the luggage - 9 miles with a rucksack of clothes on my back isn't my idea of fun...)
Having typed all this (in bits, while doing stuff) I have totally forgotten what my point was going to be, but seeing as I've typed it all you can read it, mwahahaha...