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Bike Racks Removed at Asda Chesser

(63 posts)

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  1. steveo

    Big thanks to Asda Chesser for making the choice of which supermarket to use easier as they've converted their bike racks to trolly park. Nice to know where I stand in the pecking order and don't worry it is noted I'll take my unwanted custom to another supermarket its not like the West of the city is short of them.

    The annoying thing is they are used and they were in a decent place and they have loads of trolly space. I had to pick up a film from developing so just wheeled my bike in then went to Tesco to do the little amount of shopping I had intended to do.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. gembo

    New sainsburys opening at the old B and Q at longstone sometime soon?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. SRD

    Never use those ones anyway. Always full of people smoking. I park out front on the railings. Much more convenient. (but I do hope you let the manager know what you think)

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. steveo

    @gembo, aye should be there soon. Just the Calder road roundabout between me and cake!

    srd, going to send an email latter but tbh i'm not all that fussy, the only reason I use it is for film developing and the camera desk is just inside the door. I'll just continue to wheel the bike in and they'll lose the up sell opertunity of me getting my photos and my shopping.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. Uberuce

    I too preferred to park at the front, although I prefer the parking at the back of Sainsbury; it's always overlooked by smoking staff and is in view of the security station. Also, Sainsbury let you pull a bike trailer around the shop, not that I've done that for ages.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. MeepMeep

    I'm fortunate that walking to and from Asda is more convenient than cycling due to proximity. But even when en route home and nipping in, I've just chained up at the front on the railings as I wasn't aware there were racks at the back. Nonetheless, disappointing if they were well used.

    The only time I take the car shopping is for the obligatory beer and wine-supplemented in-law visits or when I need replacement whey protein. Both of which could be handled by buying a trailer so I'm aware my journeys could be negated. My rationale for buying my first car remains - to reduce a 6 hour door to door journey to visit my parents to a 3 hour journey.

    I have it on good authority that the old waste ground behind the NHS offices is going to be a supermarket as well. Though, not to the magnitude of Asda Chesser.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. kaputnik

    Didn't realise they had racks up there as I always lock up on the railings by the other entrance (post office end).

    Bad show, it's hostile enough around the Corn Exchange trying to get in and out of Asda at the best of times. Another reason not to go there.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  8. gembo

    You can also get down the back onto the WoL path.

    They have also just put in a petrol station

    Posted 12 years ago #
  9. Snowy

    For larger shops/stores that have nothing feasible nearby and I feel could make the effort to accommodate a cycle rack or two, I've started wheeling my bike inside and politely asking if I can prop it to one side while I shop.

    I've had remarkably little disagreement so far!

    Although quite a few stunned expressions, it must be said.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  10. Bigjack

    I'd been using the aforementioned bike racks several times a week for the last 8 years and they were particularly welcome on wet runs home despite it being a smokers' corner. However I don't think they were ever signed as bike racks specifically - just and obvious place to park a bike.There was always at least one bike there on every visit.
    It would have been good if the management had considered this.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  11. gembo

    Bigjack, I know what you mean about lack of signage, but the racks at the back of Cheser Asda would be too short for trolleys. They were well used by bikes and smokers alike. Sometimes the glass door was open and you could also get a short cut into the shop. Shame they have changed this.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  12. MeepMeep

    Gembo: how do you get to the Water of Leith from Asda? I only know how to get down to the river from Calder Road.

    (My lack of local knowledge is shocking...)

    Posted 12 years ago #
  13. AKen

    The access road for the Asda car park runs up the length of the car park before turning left towards the petrol station. At the point that it turns left, a path leads through the trees to the WoL walkway. There's a set of stairs, but these can be bypassed down a gentle-ish slope if you're feeling adventurous. Head for the gap between the petrol station and the Risk Factory and you'll find the river easily enough. This is a great time (and aggro)saver if you're going from Asda up Lanark Road way as it avoids four sets of lights.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  14. chdot

    "There's a set of stairs, but these can be bypassed" - especially if going towards Gorgie. Longer than on road but almost 'rural'!

    At the planning stage the intention was to have a ramp instead of the steps, but council didn't get enough money from developer.

    Think it was some years after ASDA was opened before steps installed.

    Lack of signs is no surprise.

    A bridge across the WoL near here has also been suggested (would be useful link) but even with new developments on Inglis Green Road side don't think there is will/money.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  15. Cyclingmollie

    Are you sure these were bike racks? At Tesco Musselburgh there's a pair of what look like bike racks on either side of the emergency exits. People use them as bike racks because they are much nearer the entrance than the real ones.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  16. gembo

    There were four or five in a row with bikes parked in them, too short and too near pavement for trolley parking.

    There is a less steep access to WoL path further down too, past the risk factory, comes out near the wooden ramp bridge near the cemetery. You would only use that one if you were heading for Gorgie Rd./Calder Rd. nice loganberries, raspberries and blackberries hang out onto the path from the allotments in season.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  17. MeepMeep

    Thanks, AKen and thanks for the tip, Gembo!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  18. CDM

    I am also very annoyed with ASDA removing these racks as I used them a lot when shopping in the store. I am assuming that they would have had to install cycle racks as part of their original planning permission and if so would the council not have to grant permission for their removal.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  19. Tulyar

    @steveo/@snowy I do most shopping in local Lidl, and use Aldi, Iceland and Farmfoods because they seem to have a generally good position on bringing the bike inside, some Farmfoods have asked politely that the bike is left at the entrance/check-out packing zone rather than wheel it round the store.

    Tesco are the pits on bikes, Sainsburys a bit ambivalent but I, and several other locals on foot as well as cycling have serious issues with the duty manager who always seems to be on at our Sainsbury's Local cum Petrol Station but no issues with some of the others putting bike inside in sight. Co-op can also be a bit variable.. Probably you'll find on bigger stores that if the security person cycles to work then they'll let you pop the bike inside where they can watch over it.

    Huge volte face both at the local Sainsbury's as noted - the previous manager was great but he got promoted, and also at Coopers Fine Fare, which used to be the only supermarket in City Centre of the City of Glasgow. Great relations with old security guy (ex navy type), change of management/security contractor and changed to totally bike hostile.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  20. Tulyar


    Because Lidl are so friendly I go there with the trailer and can spend up to £60 on a really big shop, clocking up 50+Kg packed in the box. I wryly think of the H M Bateman cartoon (in the style of Caran d'Ache)

    Of course with the Co-op being owned by its members I'd suggest that cyclists in Central Scotland all join their local Scotmid, and voice their desire to see cycle friendly local Co-ops/Alldays and larger stores.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  21. CDM

    I contacted ASDA Customer Services re the cycle racks and got the below response

    "Thanks for asking about the cycle parking facilities at our Chesser store in Edinburgh.

    I'm sorry that lack of cycle bays is preventing you from shopping at the store. I can appreciate how frustrating this must be for you. I've spoken with Euan, part of the Customer Service Team in store. Euan told me that they have removed the cycle parking bays due to restructuring work.

    Although the specific bays have been removed there are still areas available to lock your bike up while shopping. This is a temporary measure whilst we are looking at alternative options. I can assure you that cycle specific bays will be available in the near future."[i]

    Posted 12 years ago #
  22. steveo

    Well the near future has arrived, the alternative "option" is... wheel benders. Honestly could they not find and listen to some one with a bike and brain who could tell them that these are worse than useless. Just wheeled the bike round to the photo bit again, only this time the security guard hustled over to ensure I wasn't going to dirty the shop with a bicycle... Don't worry I wasn't intending on helping them up-sell from their cheap film processing.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  23. gembo

    If I ever go back to Asda (not close to my work now) I will stick to their railings/fence at the front.

    Actually they have a priorat wine from Spain Noster Nobilis that is meant to be good.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  24. allebong

    Went there yesterday and found that the sides of the trolley park strongly resemble sheffield/edinburgh stands. So much so that I wonder if maybe they'd thought about us after all. Quite handy:

    The side entrance to the back entrance has also been closed off. No biggie but I did feel somewhat unsafe chaining up the bike as there's now a little cove there which seems to be popular with the local youths as a temporary hang out. Don't like being stared at by said youths while I secure the bike and then walk off....maybe I'm just being paranoid. Among the reasons I only ever take the rat bike to these places.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  25. gembo

    Was at Aldi in Gorgie, their racks at the front are too narrow to get bikes in!!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  26. AKen

    I've used the racks at Aldi wthout any problems.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  27. kaputnik

    @allebong that's how I normally secure my bike at the Supermarket - trolley bays are always much more conveniently located than bike racks, which they generally hide away in some ill-observed corner of the car park with no footpath to/from it.

    My usual rack at work was full today, so I went to use another in a different corner of the car park. It had signs on it saying "don't park your bike in a way that encroaches on a car park space". However they had placed the rack in a way which meant that you have to encroach into the car space to use it as intended.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  28. AKen

    Two contrasting approaches to cycle-parking this morning at Hermiston Gait. B&Q had a set of Sheffield stands close to the entrance and undercover - with a clear sign. Across the other side of the car park, Tesco just had the sign - and a Barney the Dinosaur ride for kids.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  29. recombodna

    I set off the alarm at that asda the other day with printer cartridges..... made the security guard chase me right across the car park shoutng "Excuse me!!... Stop!! Excuse me ...Stop!!" When he finally caught me out of breath and very angry I said " sorry mate I didn't hear you" He was visibly annoyed when my receipt checked out and he had to apologize...... he looked like he needed the exercise ..... :-)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  30. gembo


    Do you have a very skinny bike? Racks at front of Aldi on Gorgie road only work for me on the two end points. Never anyone else in them so is OK. But the ones in the middle are quite close together.

    At the back I lock to the trolley bay , always plenty room

    Posted 11 years ago #

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