CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Computers, GPS, 'Smart' 'Phones

Garmin Forerunner 10

(8 posts)

  1. Dave

    For the last wee while I've been trying out an assembly of GPS devices with a view to writing them up on my site. A few of you were subjected to the horde at PY coffee assembly this morning...

    Anyway, I finished writing up the one I've had most use of, ironically a GPS running watch. Link: Garmin Forerunner 10 review

    I've been doing some Strava foot commutes and am getting into Park Run too - it's a nice complement to cycling and will hopefully reduce the muscle imbalance issues I've had in previous years.

    Slightly off topic here (in the best traditions) but I know there are a few who will find this interesting!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. Darkerside

    Out of interest, can it display the time of day as well? (That's not as sarcastic a question as it sounds!)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. ExcitableBoy

    PY has hidden dangers and clearly I am too easily influenced. Shortly after leaving everybody this am I went to EBC and bought a Garmin edge 200. In no small part due to its lovely shiny blackness!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. SRD

    Oooh. I need a watch (and I'd quite like a gps). I may have to ask for one of these for my next birthday.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. Dave

    "PY has hidden dangers and clearly I am too easily influenced"

    I prescribe a dose of Strava, twice daily!

    Out of interest, can it display the time of day as well?

    Yes - display cycles via time and date plus two (ish) data screens while running, so you can tell whether you're late for work yet or not! :P

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. PS

    it's a nice complement to cycling and will hopefully reduce the muscle imbalance issues I've had in previous years.

    I'm going to get into the habit of a regular Arthur's Seat/fell run once I get the nod to start running again. I reckon having cycling as pretty much my sole exercise for 18 months contributed to me rupturing my achilles (my theory being cycling strengthens the calves but doesn't put that much strain on the achilles tendon, so when you do suddenly put that strength through it it can't handle it and snaps).

    Neither the consultant nor physio have necessarily endorsed that view, but the medical profession simply seems to have achilles tendon ruptures down as "just something that happens, especially to active folk in their 30s".

    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. Darkerside

    More specifically then - can you lock it to just display the time, including seconds?

    I've got a very specific use case in mind: on a semi-regular basis I end up wandering round on foot pretending to be an ambulance (eg in the middle of the crowds in London at NYE). At the end of the shift it's intriguing to see how far we've been, which I normally cover by carrying my Edge in a spare pocket.

    This would be superb if it could do that as well as function as a watch. Start it at the beginning of the shift, and start a lap every time we start and clear a job. Then download the following day for some nerd analysis.

    Thing is it would have to still work as a watch, given how obsessed the ambulance service is with times, and for measuring various time-relating things like heart rate. Waiting for screens to cycle probably wouldn't cut it...


    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. Dave

    You can just have it display the time while recording, but it doesn't show seconds, so I think that probably kills it for anything medical-related?

    Also the battery life is 'only' five hours. Enough for a pretty epic run, but maybe not enough for a shift?

    Posted 11 years ago #

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