Has anything been said about how they have managed to ruin the new meadows resurfacing?
I was on it a few weeks ago checking out the beautiful smooth surface and was thinking to myself 'you know this is almost too good, they may have a problem with speeding.'
Well they fixed that didn't they. I wont be using it at all if I can help it. I once experienced a 'tram-track' off on the old meadows path when trying to cross the brick line at too much of an oblique angle, lost the front and clunked a lamppost. That was lower than the official 'facilities' placed at regular intervals. Its gonna be a nightmare in the fall.
Honestly, who thinks these things up? have they ever ridden a bike? Yes you should change the surface to slow people down (you can tell how populated a streatch of track is in the netherlands by how bumpy the paving is) but make it uncomfortable, not dangerous!