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'Mutual respect'/NICEWAYCODE

(705 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from Greenroofer

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  1. chdot

    Cycling is not just about lycra and weekend hobbyists – harnessed properly it can create safer streets for children and families in particular, cut air pollution and help meet Scotland’s climate goals. It can save the government and taxpayers money, cut health bills and reduce the strain on public transport networks without extra subsidies. If even a crumb of that three billion were spent on redesigning towns and cities to make them more people-friendly the SNP would be a world leader, but for the time being they’ve just got everyone sniggering into the back of their hand. And I’m being nice.


    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. chdot

    So, the advertising media has noticed the TV ads.

    That's #nice.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. holisticglint

    @davemorrison - Yes there does seem to be a lack of niceness being promoted from a car-on-ped perspective. Three biggies would be:
    - Pavement Parking
    - Give way when turning into a side road
    - Observing the 20 limit

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. chdot


    I am a good driver (not perfect but I have never had an accident/been fined/was always careful around cyclists but am extra careful since Andrew was killed) but never once have I thought that those motorists who run a red light give me (and the huge number of good drivers out there) a bad name. And seriously the teacher in the ad doing the sillynameshakinghisheadflumpywumpy what is that about?


    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. sallyhinch

    Last call for signatories - will send this after lunch

    PM me real name and address (town/postcode will do) if you want to be added.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. spytfyre

    I had a pleasant encounter with a certain green brompton rider of the name Cllr Gavin Corbett on Lothian Road as I joined from the festival square side having snuck through the Scottish widows building and along the very handy 5-traffic-lights-avoiding route of Cyle Route 75. We were right behind a NOPE bus and both had a good laugh at it chatted about it as another cyclist whizzed straight down the left of it (in the western approach road approach lane) and pulled up in front of it narrowly squeezing between bus and the kerb. Oh how we laughed.
    I won't quote what he said here in case someone finds it in a google search and <edit>in case</edit> he didn't want quoted but if you are extremely interested ping me an IM so long as it is not going any further than a quiet giggle yourself.
    In other news on riding home via Lothian road last night there were 8 bikes including me in the ASL next to the Odeon. It felt like a mini critical mass... Maybe a serious but stable condition mass?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. minus six

    he didn't want quoted

    That's fine for an off the cuff remark but surely it behooves his position as a green councillor to take a formal position that can be quoted.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. spytfyre

    Edit: In Case... just in case. Wouldn't want to cause any embarrassment as I like the guy and in fact voted for him as did a majority of the ward...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. chdot

    Some support on CTC forum -

    Posted 10 years ago #
  10. chdot

    Open Letter: Nice Way Code

    The following letter has been sent to Alex Salmond and others concerning the Nice Way Code. It has been signed by over 80 cyclists from Scotland (and beyond). If you agree with the sentiments of the letter please copy it and send it on to your MSPs along with a few words of your own.


    Posted 10 years ago #
  11. sallyhinch

    Thanks to everyone who signed the letter - in the Herald this morning - not sure if it made it in anywhere else as well.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  12. deckard112

    This seems to me to be a balanced approach to enforcement for all road users. NWC could learn from this...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  13. fimm

    There are two posters on bus stop near me - the "don't cycle on the pavement" one, and one that I've not seen before about looking out for cyclists at junctions.

    Balanced, at least...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  14. chdot

  15. chdot

    Open letter, with preamble -

    Posted 10 years ago #
  16. chdot

    Jason Rose (@greendadtwit)
    18/08/2013 11:11
    Dear .@nicewaycode is advert of middle finger appropriate? I've just had to explain to my 4 year old who spotted it.


    Posted 10 years ago #
  17. sallyhinch

    That one's crying out for a car version: car indicating left - right, car indicating right -right, car just turning left across a cyclst - wrong.

    Unless it already is a parody? This campaign is beyond belief

    Posted 10 years ago #
  18. KarenJS

    I literally jist got this from Marco Biagio in response to open letter re niceway code. No one else replied yet.

    "Thank you for making me aware of your concerns. I also saw the letter in the national press. The concerns have been raised with the Minister. Public information advertisements by their nature tend to divide opinion, but in this case the response has been greater than usual, with reactions like your own far from unique. I will be discussing the campaign in person with the Minister in a week's time, and would be grateful if you could clarify what you are looking for in terms of a resolution, so that I can bear that in mind when talking to him."

    Not quite sure how to respond, I'd like ads from back of buses (at least) pulled off completely, but not sure what's realistic to ask for.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  19. sallyhinch

    1. pull the ads
    2. apologise for getting it disastrously wrong*
    3. convene a group to discuss what information campaign WOULD actually promote mutual respect

    * I would like British politicians to adopt the Japanese practice of prostrating themselves completely on the floor when apologising, but a 'sorry' would do

    Posted 10 years ago #
  20. SRD

    yesterday saw private hire car coming down the road signalling. couldn';t figure out why as there were no left turns coming up. he overtook two cyclists, then lefthooked them into a driveway. but hey, at least he indicated.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  21. chdot

    "Not quite sure how to respond, I'd like ads from back of buses (at least) pulled off completely, but not sure what's realistic to ask for."

    I think bus ads could actually be dangerous advice and certainly likely to get some drivers to think 'there goes another lawbreaking cyclist' ('ignoring' the "NOPE").

    VERY good that MB is taking this straight to minister (both in SNP).

    I don't think he cycles, but didn't own a car (presume still doesn't) and definitely WALKS.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  22. Calum

    It's very difficult to resist using that gesture when you find the same stretch of cycle lane unlawfully parked in for the thousandth time. But it shouldn't be in a newspaper in an ad from the government.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  23. neddie

    I thought pavements were for cycling on, not camping?


    Pavement camping.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  24. PS

    From experience, the gesture in the latest set of ads tends to be a cyclist's instant reflex action to bad driving. You could argue that it is relatively measured given that such bad driving is likely to have been a very real threat to life and limb.

    Cadel Evans retweeted this a while ago:
    "A cyclist may become angry if you endanger their life. If you find cyclists are generally angry people then you are a bad driver."

    However, I've also seen the same gesture from drivers towards cyclists. In those instances it has almost always been in an aggressive and bullying manner, after (or during) a bit of bad driving - demonstrating that they know they are doing something threatening but they simply don't care. Not even a hint of that in the NWC ads.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  25. wingpig

    More NWC admonitions directed at cyclists? Tut. The only finger-gesture I use (apart from whole-arm direction/speed signals) is the little-finger-waggle

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    which is also conveniently 'naughty' in baby sign language.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  26. It's actually a hand signal I've never used at a motorist (for some reason I find the single digit more offensive than two fingers, which is slightly comical - possibly because it was used in things like the Young Ones all the time).

    But this ad carries on serving up just what's wrong with the Nice Way Code. The poster ads had started getting more balanced (at least in a 50/50 split of those aimed at cyclists and drivers - the underlying message is still skewed and missing the point). But the hand signals ad in the newspaper is sooooooooo wide of the mark it could be confused for a safe pass by a truck.

    It's saying all in one go that cyclists don't signal their direction (anyone noticed how infrequent that's getting with driving too?); but they do act aggresively by just giving everyone the finger left, right and centre. As if nothing has precipitated the use of the finger. No no, it couldn't possibly be that a driver has just done something moronic.... But we're not going to think about that (nor stop that moronic thing happening), so basically NWC are saying to cyclists, "If you suffer bad driving, suck it up (and don't avoid it by riding on the pavement)".

    Posted 10 years ago #
  27. I noticed yesterday that Nice Way Code had responded to a tweet with the words '"Here here!". Interesting, I thought, I suppose they do have some support, I wonder what they could be 'here here'ing.

    It was a post from a Midlands motoring organisation saying that cyclists should start showing respect for motorists who are holding up society (or words to that effect - essentially without cars the country would crumble) and trying not to hit cyclists.

    Said all I wanted to know about the NWC (especially given the correct way to proclaim your agreement is actually 'hear hear').

    Posted 10 years ago #
  28. chdot

    Nice Way Code (@nicewaycode)
    19/08/2013 11:25
    Connecting Scotland - < info on the work that @SustransScot is doing to keep Scotland connected.


    So Sustrans is responsible for *all* the engineering work required to encourage more people to cycle??

    That's #Nice.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  29. They do realise that much of Sustrans' infrastructure is on paths don't they?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  30. sallyhinch

    I was looking through all the images (helpfully deconstructed here and I saw one about mobile phones. Oh good, I thought, at last, something useful, telling drivers not to fiddle with their phones while they're driving. But no, that's not aimed at drivers it's aimed at pedestrians. I really despair.

    Keep getting congratulations from non-cyclists about my letter in the Herald. Does anyone like this campaign?

    Posted 10 years ago #

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