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'Mutual respect'/NICEWAYCODE

(705 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from Greenroofer

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  1. Coxy

    Anyone here?
    The Niceway Code ‏@NicewayCodeGB

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    It's all a big laugh isn't it, and Keith's actually going to announce £ billions for cycling infrastructure next week. Isn't he?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. rosscbrown

    "The actual campaign hasn’t gone live yet!" - The Nice Way Code

    Well then, there's hope yet. Cancel the ads and spend whatever's left in the budget on quality infrastructure and/or NICE biscuits.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. crowriver

    Pretty sure the airtime has been booked; the poster sites paid for; the print job delivered. I mean, hey, the blog, FB and twotter are live!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. allebong

    "We’re not under the impression the Nice Way Code is going to make the roads a wonderful place free of accidents or road rage overnight"

    Ah, excellent. I was worried this sort of exercise might end up being cited by the government as conclusive proof that they are investing in making cycling safe. With this admission I'm sure that won't be happening.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Just did a quick and rough calculation, we could use the budget for 10 Nice biscuits for every person in Scotland...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. Stepdoh

    Oh dear, pulling out the effective 'you just don't understand' line this early in the piece isn't exactly good comms planning.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. chdot

  9. Stepdoh

    They really needed to have ALL the material up on youtube for the launch, then people can share it and comment on it.

    You don't hold things for tv these days, it just annoys people who will happily shout into the vacuum you're leaving.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  10. rosscbrown

    Finally! I get it! This is actually the gov't announcing strict liability. The only condition being that compensation must be paid in Nice biscuits!

    In general though, why limit this campaign to the roads? How about a general, society wide, 'be nice to each other' campaign? Playing football - be nice to each other. Do drugs nicely? Be nice to old people. Be nice to the unemployed. Be nice to your parents. Smoke nicely. Etc etc....

    Posted 10 years ago #
  11. Instography

    I'd like to see the research, "all of which told us keeping the tone light, speaking to all roads users equally and having messages for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians was the only way to get people to consider changing their own behaviour."

    They seem to have done the research with nice people who told them that a nice campaign, with a nice logo, fronted by that nice Keith Brown man, that told everyone to be nice, would be a nice thing to do.

    And that'll be £424k please. Nice.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  12. kaputnik


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    In other news, seems the "alternative" Nicewaycode is only 10 followers behind the "real" Nicewaycode on Twitter.

    Which is nice.

    Last I checked they had 18 facebook followers. At least 2 of whom seemed to be on the Cycling Scotland pay roll.

    Which is also nice.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  13. chdot

    Perhaps 'cyclists' should be offered some nice hiviz with a nice new logo and IN LARGE LETTERS -

    I'm nice

    Please be nice to me

    Posted 10 years ago #
  14. Cyclingmollie

    I think I've found another influence on the campaign.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  15. chdot

  16. ruggtomcat

    Id like to know how much of the much lauded money for cycling in the scottish budget is earmarked for 'education' verses infrastructure.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  17. fimm

    Well, we can hardly call this funding for cycling safety, can we? So when the politicians talk about how much is being spend on cycling, we'll have to subtract the money spent on this...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  18. kaputnik

    How hard to cut plywood into a massive Nice biscuit?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  19. Morningsider

    Kaputnik - it should be pretty easy, a jigsaw would probably do the trick. The only difficult bit would be cutting the letters NICE into the middle of the "biscuit" - would be pretty fiddly with a jigsaw. Probably much easier to do that with a router.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  20. kaputnik

    @Nicewaycode - 103 followers
    @NicewaycodeGB - 208 followers

    I'll let you decide which is more meaningful and useful in your lives :)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  21. Kirst77

    What about the radio campaign to purely car owners about their angry driving and the influence on your 4 year old. Are the two linked?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  22. sallyhinch

    Breakdown of money spent on cycling

    £58 million spread over three years (2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15)

    Sustrans: £30m in total (mostly infrastructure)
    Cycling Scotland £5.424m in total (bikeability, encouragement, 'Nice Way Code')
    Cycling, Walking, Safer Streets £20m (this goes to councils - mostly infrastructure but doesn't have to be spent on cycling)
    Transport Scotland £2.6m (I think design guidelines and next year will be helping councils develop strategies)
    Other projects £0.25m (Bike station Edinburgh, Stirling Bike Hub)

    So depending on what councils/Sustrans do with the CWSS money, the bulk of it does go on infrastructure. It's still a bit pitiful though

    Posted 10 years ago #
  23. SRD

    Thanks for posting that Sally, had been meaning to, but hasn't got there.

    One further point I would make is that a lot of that infrastructure is likely aimed at long distance trails, tourism etc, rather than commuter and utitlity cycling. Obviously there is some overlap, and the longer routes can also be good, but.....

    Posted 10 years ago #
  24. Morningsider

    sally - it's worse than you think. The Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets budget covers lots of non-cycling things. Since 2010, the Scottish Government has asked local authorities to spend 36% of their CWSS allocations on cycling (apparently the national average) see section 6.1 of the original CAPS for details. There is no record of how much CWSS funding is actually spent on cycling - but it is zero in quite a few authorities and 36% would seem a reasonable assumption.

    Transport Scotland allegedly spends £2m a year on trunk road related cycling facilities. However, no-one really knows if this is correct as the figure has remained at this rate for several years and no evidence has ever been presented as to what the funding has been spent on.

    SUSTRANS doesn't just do cycling stuff (although it is the vast majority of their work).

    In effect, no-one really knows how much Scottish Government cash is spent on cycling. It is definitely less than the touted £58m though.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  25. chdot

    Lizzie Rynne (@CityCycling)
    30/07/2013 11:34
    #nicewaycode @CyclingEdin @KeithBrownMSP @JohnSwinney you mean this total twaddle is coming out of CYCLE MONEY? Its about ALL road users??


    Posted 10 years ago #
  26. kaputnik

    So "cycling budget" is being spent asking people - nicely - not to run over cyclists.

    That's nice to know.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  27. Baldcyclist

    IT'S RUBBISH!! There! Said with much hillarity!!!

    Now, more seriously....

    The Nice Way Code campaign is supported by; The AA, The Bike Station, British Horse Society (Scotland), CTC (UK), Cycling Scotland, Institute of Advanced Motorists, Lothian Buses, Motorcycle Action Group, Paths for All, Police Scotland, Ramblers Scotland, Road Haulage Association, Safer Scotland, Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS), Scottish Cycling, Scottish Taxi Federation, Sustrans Scotland, Transport Scotland

    All of these groups support the campaign? No POP, did they refuse? Were they even asked, they seemed to know of it before release, and put out a negative release?

    All of these groups at the table, having some influence in the message put out, some influence in the future direction of the campaign, some influence in representing their members, sound like a pretty important table to be at.....

    Of course we could just continue to go HA HA, HA HA, IT'S RUBBISH, LOOK IT'S RUBBISH, and have no say whatsoever, seems politically at least a little immature...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  28. kaputnik

    As a CTC member I'll be writing to them asking why they added their name to supporting this bonkers waste of money. It's not a campaign I'd be happy for any organisation I'm a paid-up member of to endorse.

    Unfortunately most of the "usual suspects" in that list are part of an establishment that has a vested interest in keeping things how they are. I can understand entirely why they'd be more than keen to put the rubber stamp on this innefective marketing exercise that is pretending to be masquerading as a genuine road safery campaign. After all -- why do anything difficult and potentially controvertial when we can just run a few adverts and print a few posters and line a few pockets?

    This campaign deserves nothing more than the genuine anger and jibing it has stimulated. I hope Keith Brown is furious with Cycling Scotland for making him look like such a pillock with that crossing-patrol lollipop. I hope there's lots of anxious meetings going on at Cycling Scotland and the Newhaven Agency asking themselves why this has genuinely blown up in their faces. After all, the latter has a commercial reputation to protect and it's no good having such a laughing stock associated with your brand.

    I'm quite happy to be on the outside, laughing-and-criticising in the way, until this useless, innefective, patronising and entirely wrong approach to "safety" is ended and replaced by something that might actually work. I don't want to "have a say" in marketing campaigns.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  29. ruggtomcat

    No its a good idea, makes people think twice before they do it again. The 'its better than nothing' approach has landed us with the QBC, or as I like to call it WTF (Worse Than Fail, for you non geeks out there).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  30. sallyhinch

    POP was asked - we said at the time we didn't think it would be effective. Can't speak for any other groups but Spokes have tweeted that they didn't support it.

    I doubt the campaign would have been much improved if we'd stayed on board and tried to influence from within - it wasn't that kind of consultation.

    Posted 10 years ago #

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