I've had a look through the No to 20 mph Facebook page and website. My overwhelming impression is that most supporters are motivated by a small-minded selfishness. The reduction in speed limits will affect THEM, which should not be allowed to happen.
The justifications for opposing the 20 mph limit are laughable. It will make cycling more dangerous, increase pollution, bankrupt the city, is undemocratic...
On the evidence available, none of these people strike me as the type to be concerned about cyclist safety, air pollution, city finances or local politics. If they were then they would have acquainted themselves with the relevant facts, been aware of the 20 mph consultation when it actually happened and would be actively engaged in improving their communities through the myriad bodies working to do just that.
I doubt there is much point in trying to engage with these people. They have already dismissed peer reviewed research, Government statistics and even the evidence of their own eyes, in support of their views.
I'm loath to criticise the abuse of the English language on these sites, but I have to make two points.
(1) Being a "sceptic" involves more than saying that all the research into 20 mph limits is rubbish
(2) "Undemocratic" does not mean an elected body taking a decision, following a widely publicised consultation, that you disagree with.
The difference with CCE is jarring - personal abuse, hate, anger and ignorance abound. There is no community, no sense that we can make Edinburgh a better place - simply a view that we cannot change the status quo as it will affect ME.
The 20mph limit aims to protect the vulnerable (children, pedestrians, cyclists, the elderly) from the powerful (drivers of large, fast vehicles). It aims to improve the local environment through reductions in noise and air pollution. It aims to breath life into streets where community life cannot currently flourish due to the effects of fast moving traffic.
I am proud to support the 20 mph limit. I know that I am on the right side of this debate, as all the available evidence supports my stance.
I thought twice about posting this, as I probably come across as "an elitist" or "a snob". I'm happy to take the flak though, as I suspect this will be an equivalent of the smoking ban. Lots of protest beforehand, followed by a grudging acceptance and then a wonder that we ever allowed such high speeds in towns. There will always be some people who remain unconvinced. Here's my advice to them. Buy a bike - it will help lower your blood pressure, I think that might do you some good.