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20-50 mile cycle routes around edinburgh

(21 posts)

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  1. ARobComp

    Can anyone point me in a good direction or give me a few routes that they enjoy training on leaving from Edinburgh. Preferably with some hills.

    I am looking for anything between 20-50 miles (approx 2-3 hours)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. LaidBack

    We did an event called the Etape Balerno...

    See thread 'This Sunday 23rd May'.

    Anyway it's a loop of around 24 miles

    Kim has posted at

    You head west and climb. Variety of roads.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. amir

    Moorfoot hills are nice - with long climbs but not steep. About 12 miles south of Dalkeith on the NCR 1. Anywhere in Midlothian is quite hilly and you can then venture into the Borders.

    Also the Lammermuirs offer equally long climbs but steeper - just south of Gifford and Dunbar. Bit further away.

    Not so familiar with West Lothian but there is quite a climb to the south of Linlithgow.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. LaidBack

    amir Also the Lammermuirs offer equally long climbs but steeper - just south of Gifford and Dunbar.

    There's Red Rigg - once featured in the Audax they call 'the Hell Of East Lothian'.

    Not sure if there is a 'Hell of West Lothian'. Sure someone can think of something!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. chdot

    "Not sure if there is a 'Hell of West Lothian'."

    That's a leading question...

    Bathgate Hills?

    Random route (check profile for "quietest")

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. chdot

    If you don't mind it not being all tarmac, (WoL path to Balerno + a mile or so of farm track), this is fun -

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. PS

    The Bathgate Alps are probably your best bet for a 50 miler. Head out through Kirkliston and you can do a good loop from Wynchburgh/Faucheldean up the spine of the hill and along to Beecraigs, down to Torphichen, up to Cairnpapple and back via West Binnie. The East-West roads have lots of steadyish climbs, and if you want to throw in some steeper stuff you can take any of the north-south roads (like the one up to Kingsgarvil). Lots of short sharp climbs.

    A much "nicer" climb (steady 4-5% all the way up) is NCN1 up from Middleton in Midlothian towards Innerleithen. It'd be longer than 50, but keep going to Innerleithen and back and you get some really nice long climbs.

    For longer rides, if you go out beyond Gifford and up Redstone Rigg you can keep going with some great climbs and descents to Longformarcus, cut across and back by Whiteadder (for a 70-miler) or go all the way to Duns and back for 80-odd miles. Some hard work, but rewarded by some fantastic views and loooong descents.

    However, the toughest (shortish) climbs I know are the ones in Polton Bank/Polton Road between Polton/Bonnyrigg and Loanhead. They're really enclosed - high walls, tree cover - and twisty, so there's always more hill when you get round the corner. You can combine that with Roslin Glen to get a bit of a loop on (although the main road to Roslin Glen is closed due to a landslip).

    Edinburgh's a good base for cycling!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. 1lesscar

    A good 50 mile route is to head down to Peebles, either through Penicuik (A701) or Bonnyrigg and Rosewell (A6094). The latter is probably quieter and more picturesque. Head to Peebles (A703) and onto Innerleithen (A73). Turn left and take the road (B709) past the golf course and over the hills. Then head back via A7 or onto the A68.

    A 40 (ish) mile route I use is to head down to Aberlady via Gorebridge, Pathhead and Haddington and then ride along the coast road towards Musselburgh.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  9. druidh

    Balerno - Harburn - West Calder - Fauldhouse - Climpy - Forth - Carnwath - Balerno

    50 miles.

    Or a simple circumnavigation of the Pentlands

    Posted 14 years ago #
  10. Kim

    Those links both throw up a 404 error, can you check the link?

    Posted 14 years ago #
  11. Min

  12. chdot


    Thanks - very strange that they need final /

    Posted 14 years ago #
  13. PS

    The Pentlands loop looks like a hard one, especially as once you complete the loop once, the route seems to retrace it steps a number of times...(!)

    I've thought about doing a loop around the Pentlands on several occasions, but have always been put off by the thought of the A702. That said, once you get to West Linton you can always head back to Edinburgh along what I think is called the Moor Road (Deanfoot Road out of West Linton).

    Posted 14 years ago #
  14. Kim

    I found the directions a little tricky to follow, but have attempted to map both routes:

    Posted 14 years ago #
  15. druidh

    Almost correct. The second one carries on to Carnwath and up the A70 from there (there's a link to a GPX file at the bottom of that page).

    Forum ride to Climpy???

    Oh - and the A702 is actually not too bad for cycling. It's a fast road (for cars) but has good sight-lines so they don't seem to get too close. There is a pavement along most of the route too, but it's often blocked by rubble. (Details of that route also fixed - thanks)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  16. ARobComp

    Thanks for all the input. some belting cycles there. Just wish I had been able to do some of them this weekend but the weather was so crappy.
    Here are a few I mapped

    West to Torpichen

    Innerleithen and back

    Longformarcus and back via white snake reservoir and musselbrugh

    Kirknewton return

    Posted 14 years ago #
  17. Cyclingmollie

    ARobComp - "white snake reservoir" had me scratching my head for a few seconds.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  18. ARobComp

    Indeed - White adder reservoir. What a silly billy I am.

    It was pre coffee #2

    Posted 14 years ago #
  19. cb

    Ah! you mean the /ˈhwʌtədər/

    (That's how to pronounce it - according to Wikipedia)

    "Whitader" is how I say it.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  20. amir

    ARobComp - on the Innerleithen route, you could add in a nice little extra by turning right (West) at Eddleston over the Meldons (if you are going round the loop so that Peebles is before Innerleithen). Very nice but watch for glass near the camping area.

    There are some ways to avoid most of the busy A road to Peebles e.g. by going though Carrington and over the moor near Gladhouse. Also the minor road parallel to A72 but on the southside of the Tweed is less busy.


    Posted 14 years ago #
  21. Aphid

    I do an East Lothian loop as a training run (50 miles or so). Apart from the climb to tranent, it is mostly rolling hills and passes some lovely countryside and a big castle near N. Berwick.

    It is easy to extend, (except not into the sea as I did on the bike map route). The A199 is a fantastic road, but the sea road from Seaton, the road surface is a bit rough, so beware bike buzz.

    Posted 14 years ago #

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