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The Invention of Jaywalking Was a Massive Shaming Campaign

(3 posts)


  1. cb

    "before the city street could be physically reconstructed to accommodate motor vehicles, it had first to be socially reconstructed as a modern thoroughfare." And that social reconstruction meant redefining who belonged on the street, by poking fun at those who were seen as unwanted. This ridicule would show up in newspaper editorials, in verbal confrontations between motorists and pedestrians on the street, in American classrooms, and through public shaming by police officers and other authority figures.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. PS

    Was this not mentioned in Copenhagenize's talk at the Ed Fest of cycling?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. wingpig

    Sound possible, along with the playparks-were-the-invention-of-the-motor-industry thing.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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