"I thought it was off limits of anything 'cept buses? taking life into own hands much? knowing how fast the buses liked to go on there..."
There was a period of a few weeks, between the buses reverting to the road and the tram works beginning, when the busway was ostensibly closed to motor vehicles while bikes could access it. It very quickly became a desire line for cycle commuters. It amazes me even now that they didn't construct a parallel cycle track that would have obviated the succession of road crossings between South Gyle Access and Saughton Road North.
The Calton area reminds me very much of the wasteland on Earl Grey Street opposite Central Hall, before the new BoS construction. At one stage there was even an improvised halfpipe for the skaters. We know that the new skate/BMX park at Saughton is an absolute hit, and something more central could be a fantastic opportunity for kids to exercise, and to exercise their bike skills.