After missing several better opportunities, had to do my October 100km ride this am. Pfaffed about a bit changing route after looking at morning forecast and went back for Dunfermline-Clackmannan-Kelpies-Falkirk Wheel – Union Canal route. Left 20 mins later than planned @4.20am.
Managed to forget my food and first place to buy something was Falkirk.
Progress was ok, but a bit slowish because of debris on the paths and a lethargic paddy, so decided to leave canal, go over Kingscavil Hill to Broxburn and into work. Meant I could finish on ~90km, leave clock running and finish on commute home.
Puncture #1 on Kingscavil Hill. Wasn't able to pull all of thorn out, so had to fashion a bodge job by cutting up part of the old inner tube to protect from it and use a plastic tenner to place against the new tube.
Managed to pump tyre up to ~60psi, which is lower than the minimum recommended for the tyre, but would probably have got me back to work, but then went for more and the valve snapped, rendering my only spare useless.
Ended up rolling down into Uphall and then hiring a cab to take me and bike to Gogar. Got to my desk very late.
Lunchtime job to go out to Halfords and buy inner tubes and a better pump. Rear tyre to be replaced in next few days. Maybe rear rim may require replacing...