CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

Canal-Meadows (STILL NOT finally!)

(309 posts)

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  1. jdanielp

    Surely not a coincidence so soon after the contraflow cycle lane was 'installed'?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. fimm

    This BMW driver objected to the cyclist heading the other direction, tried to force cyclist in to park cars by moving over to wrong side of road. Valleyfield Street.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. neddie

    There's to be a video survey on this next week. You know what to do...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. neddie

    Looks like there was surveying equipment going in tonight. On a lamppost, corner of Leven St and Valleyfield St

    Use it or lose it

    Posted 11 months ago #
  5. neddie

    Well the surveying equipment didn't last long.

    Seems to have disappeared today, with loads of cable ties still left wrapped round the lamppost - was it removed legitimately ???

    If so, it's pretty messy of the contractors (CLS) to leave plastic waste and visible eyesore on a brand new lamppost

    Posted 11 months ago #
  6. neddie

    Cyclist down on Leven Terrace. Hope they’re ok

    Posted 11 months ago #
  7. neddie

    The traffic counter equipment is back - rubber strip counters, one on Valleyfield, the other on Leven St

    I think they can discern between vehicle type and direction

    Posted 10 months ago #
  8. chdot

    Not sure if this has been posted before -

    Meadows to Canal

    Frequently asked Questions.

    Q1 Why is this taking so long?
    In 2015 the Councils Transport departments went through a transformation. During this time staff numbers were reduced and statutory duties were prioritised over projects
    development. Since then a consultant has been appointed to collate the results from the previous consultation and take forward the design incorporating the 2014 feedback.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  9. toomanybikes

    Also from there

    "It is estimated that we will be on the ground in Spring of 2020."

    Posted 10 months ago #

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