What I wrote (feel free to copy & paste)
Dear Mr Givan,
I am writing to object to the St James Quarter plans. Planning app 14/05263/AMC.
I object because
- cyclists have been neglected on Leith St, planned segregated cycle lanes will stop half way up Leith St and leave no connection to Princes St. Cyclists will be dumped out into a 'noxious canyon' of 4 lanes of traffic.
- the proposed 1800 car parking spaces is counter to the councils own policy of reducing car use, this space could be better used for money generating outfits like shops, offices. It will also attract more cars into the centre, increasing congestion & pollution.
- Clear plans have not been submitted for cycle routes through the development. Many of the drawings, sketches and figures only show pedestrians. It is clear that cyclists have not been considered by everyone working on the design.