@chdot SNP in both cities now back '10% for cycling'.
Are you sure? Edinburgh SNP are indeed promising this (going by leaflets, though manifesto is not yet published) but I think Glasgow SNP is promising 10% for cycling and walking. That is extremely different!
In Edinburgh the Labour manifesto promises a new fund for walking infra in addition to the 10% for cycling. And it is rumoured that the SNP Edinburgh manifesto when published will say something similar (perish the idea that they may have copied the idea from the long-published Labour one!!)
Re. the Glasgow SNP walking & cycling 10%, I do not believe they currently intend to use the loophole below, but note that if one includes footway maintenance then it is quite likely that Glasgow already spends 10% of its transport funding on walking and cycling, given that (I think) more than 10% of Edinburgh's transport spending is footway maintenance. This is why Spokes has always stuck to 10% of the council transport budget for cycling rather than for AT - there is just too much wriggle room if it is the whole of AT. Even if they don't use the loophole, 10% for AT obviously means less than 10% for cycling. A separate budget for new walking infra gives a much more reliable promise both for cycling and for walking.
Coalitions - I'd be astonished if either Lab or SNP went into coalition with the Tories in Edinburgh, even if Tories were to get 2nd highest number of councillors, so with the (definite) Lab and (almost certain) SNP and Green promises for 10% minimum for cycling, it looks very likely that will remain policy in the new council. Brilliant!!
It so helps that lots of people contact their councillors about cycling issues, keeping up the general profile and awareness, and also giving at least a bit of praise where due!