Climate change: 'Gob-smacking' vision for future UK transport
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Climate change: 'Gob-smacking' vision for future UK transport
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“We have an extra month of summer now. And winters are not like what they used to be. That’s why we can make wine, and why 50 years ago, we couldn’t.”
The boldest say peak fossil fuel demand may have been dragged into the here and now, and that 2019 will go down in history as the peak year for carbon emissions.
But some take an opposing view: the fossil fuel industry will bounce back as it always has, and bargain basement oil prices will slow the much-needed transition to green energy.
Climate change: UK forests 'could do more harm than good'
The report outlines the scale of the challenge for measures taken to tackle climate change through land use policies in the UK.
It says: “These figures make it clear that – far from being an option for major offsetting of emissions from other sectors – the measures will not even mitigate the emissions of the agriculture, land use and peatlands sectors."
Nobody plants on peat. Stop using sensationalist headlines to divide us.
I'm not sure there is still a debate [about planting trees on peat] ...just lazy, headline-grabbing journalism from
Good to see more folk banging the soil carbon drum, though, that should have been what this article led with.
Global carbon emissions from the fossil fuel industry could fall by a record 2.5bn tonnes this year, a reduction of 5%, as the coronavirus pandemic triggers the biggest drop in demand for fossil fuels on record.
AA president backs road miles scheme
Of course, we can already achieve the same result through straightforward taxation of fossil fuels, but governments are unfortunately terrified of doing so.
Nickel and Palladium used in the manufacture of batteries, electronics & electric motors (arguably needed to reduce climate emissions)...
20,000 tonnes of diesel split at a major Nickel / Palladium mining operation...
"The accident [sic] happened when the pillars supporting a fuel tank at a power plant began to sink. The area is built on permafrost which has been melting as the climate warms."
Climate warming as a contributing cause of the spill (obviously negligence the primary cause)...
You couldn't make it up...
Greenhouse gas emissions
'Surprisingly rapid' rebound in carbon emissions post-lockdown
Busier roads to blame, with fears of worse to come as workers shun public transport
The UK is falling behind on its target to cut greenhouse gas emissions and risks a surge in carbon emissions as lockdown eases, the government’s climate advisers warn.
Ministers must act fast if the UK is to avoid a massive rebound in carbon emissions after the coronavirus crisis eases, Lord Deben, chair of the committee on climate change (CCC), which published its progress report to parliament on Thursday, said. By setting up new schemes to insulate homes, raise carbon taxes, switch to electric vehicles and improve broadband, the government could spur a green recovery to create jobs and cut emissions permanently.
He said: “The constructive, meticulous criticism of the government, which is failing abysmally by any measure, is fine. The problem is the framing the CCC has for net zero is already far removed from what is needed to meet our Paris commitments.”
Anderson’s latest research argues the UK’s planned reductions in emissions, even if it hits net zero by 2050, would be two or three times greater than its fair share under the landmark 2015 Paris agreement, where countries agreed to hold global increases in temperature to “well below 2°C and to pursue 1.5°C.”
“On mitigation, the academic community and the CCC have collectively failed the political realm and civil society by tailoring our conclusions to fit with what we judge to be politically palatable – all at the expense of scientific integrity.”
But he insisted that this did not mean a complete upheaval in how most people live their lives, even in the UK.
“Yes, some changes will be needed, but for the majority of people the solutions to this crisis will also improve their lives – long-term job prospects for them and their children, better house quality, better access and more affordable public transport.”
However, for wealthy high emitters it would mean fundamental change.
Scotland's future recovery being advised by former head of Tesco Bank, and current chair of Buccleuch Estates, Benny Higgins.
"So it’s not a surprise that despite the report being sprinkled with zeitgeist terms of 'wellbeing' and 'resilience' it had little of either."
Well yes.
Not like they have a well worked out alternative though.
If this isn't scary biscuits, I don't know what is...
CO2 in Earth's atmosphere nearing levels of 15m years agoLast time CO2 was at similar level temperatures were 3C to 4C hotter and sea levels were 20 metres higher
The strategy committees are overwhelmingly male, and entirely so for climate, which consists of seven men
This looks promising...
But will they actually do it...
De-growth debate.
Scotland’s Economic Recovery Can’t Be About Growth when it Needs to be About Life through a New Economics
“Can’t” being the wrong word.
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