Half of emissions cuts will come from future tech, says John Kerry
US climate envoy says people will not have to give up quality of life to achieve some of net zero goals
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Half of emissions cuts will come from future tech, says John Kerry
US climate envoy says people will not have to give up quality of life to achieve some of net zero goals
Twenty firms produce 55% of world’s plastic waste, report reveals
Plastic Waste Makers index identifies those driving climate crisis with virgin polymer production
Al Gore, the environmentalist and former US vice-president, said the groundbreaking analysis exposed how fossil fuel companies were rushing to switch to plastic production as two of their main markets – transport and electricity generation – were being decarbonised.
“Since most plastic is made from oil and gas – especially fracked gas – the production and consumption of plastic are becoming a significant driver of the climate crisis,” said Gore.
Britain’s biggest fund manager has piled pressure on Shell after joining a shareholder rebellion over the oil company’s carbon-cutting plans, saying that they lack credibility and the ambition required to combat global heating.
British businesses have the opportunity to create 240,000 low-carbon jobs and boost green exports by billions of pounds to radically transform the UK economy over the next decade, the CBI has said.
The UK’s foremost business lobby group said businesses across the country stood to gain from an “early mover advantage” by leading a campaign to decarbonise the global economy to avoid a climate meltdown.
NORTH Sea oil, once an opportunity to be seized, looks more now like a source of future shame – no wonder there’s not enough talk about it. Last week when the International Energy Agency issued a report on measures needed to achieve the world’s climate goals, its head, Fatih Birol, said, “If governments are serious about the climate crisis, there can be no new investments in oil, gas and coal, from now – from this year.”
Talking to the Guardian last week, Fatih Birol observed that there was a “growing gap between the rhetoric [from governments] and the reality”. Let’s not let that gap linger. It’s time to get serious.
Major businesses and investors in the world’s largest economies should brace themselves for a turbulent transition to a low-carbon future because none of the G20 countries are on track to meet their climate ambitions, according to a new report.
There is “no longer any realistic chance” for an orderly transition for global financial markets because political leaders will be forced to rely on “handbrake” policy interventions to cut emissions, according to research from risk intelligence company Verisk Maplecroft.
Although high polluting companies, such as fossil fuel producers, are likely to be hit hardest by the growing risk of kneejerk political crackdowns to limit dangerous levels of greenhouse gas emissions, other industries, including transport, agriculture and mining, should all brace themselves for a turbulent future, according to Rory Clisby, one of the authors of the report.
Forth Ports looking at developing Leith to allow larger vessels to dock.
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The number of workers in the UK’s offshore energy sector could increase to as much as 220,000 by the end of this decade, a new report has claimed.
How did Engine do it? There are probably three lessons here for climate campaigners. First, set your arguments within a financial context. Exxon’s shares have performed woefully in recent years even in an era of rising demand for oil and gas. So how, asked the Engineers, did the board expect to do better in a decarbonising world without a carbon-reduction strategy? The debate was cast a matter of “existential risk”.
Its rising popularity has also meant increasing energy usage, causing authorities in some countries – although not the UK – to clamp down on mining.
“We have legal obligations to move to the Paris Agreement and that means North Sea oil and gas must be phased out.
“We really can’t equivocate about that. But what we must make sure is that nobody’s livelihoods are effected, no communities are abandoned.
The nations that make up the G7 have pumped billions of dollars more into fossil fuels than they have into clean energy since the Covid-19 pandemic, despite their promises of a green recovery.
URGENT action is need to avoid major world flooding with a billion people worldwide hit through prehistoric levels of climate change, a new Scots study has warned.
The research involving looking at historic carbon dioxide levels warns that despite efforts to cut greenhouse gases the last time CO2 was as high as it is now it was warm enough for beech trees to grow on Antarctica and enough ice melted to raise sea level by 20 metres.
The study led by the University of St Andrews says that that sea level rise would mean there would be a billion people worldwide whose homes would be flooded, along with major flooding of at least 25 of the world’s largest cities.
It comes as a separate WWF study highlighted what is at stake for 12 species from around the world, including two key Scottish species should the upcoming CO26 climate talks in Glasgow fail to reach agreement on keeping temperature rises below 1.5 degrees.
“Bringing back hemp can have a global impact as world governments look at reducing carbon footprints. It uses far less resources than plastics or cotton.”
Finally some common sense!
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