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Great customer service from Arkel

(6 posts)


  1. unhurt

    Just wanted to sing the praises of Arkel - one of my (massive, waterproof, and much loved) Dolphin 48 panniers has suffered a major seam weld failure. They were a present in late 2014 & did a great job trans-Canada last summer, but I thought, hmm, they're nearly two years old, there's no way they'll be covered by warranty. But the website suggested they were, so I sent an email with a photograph of the damage to Arkel, more in hope than expectation - and they're sending me a brand new set!

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. Arellcat

    That's terrific service, unhurt.

    I love my Arkel RT-40s, and secretly lust after one of their recumbent seat bags and the Tailrider rack bag.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. unhurt

    I lust after about five different combinations of their bags too! Sometimes I go and look at the website just to "ooh" over cunning zip pockets and compression straps...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. gembo

    Dependent on how massive the seam weld failure is it might be possible to fix with McNett Seamgrip. I did this with my second pair of ortliebs. Ortlieb replaced my first pair four years into the five year warranty but also suggested I was to blame and would not be getting another pair., I guess once the original five year warranty ran out. A free five year warranty is a rare thing. I acquired a new bread maker four years into a five year warranty though I did have to buy this warranty. I note they do not do five year warranties on bread makers anymore.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. acsimpson

    "I note they do not do five year warranties on bread makers anymore."

    No but if you buy it from Lakeland they will guarantee that you are satisfied with your purchase and not have a timescale on it. so if you need your bread machine to last 5 years before you'll be satisfied that's the place to buy it from.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. gembo

    good range of moth repellent earlier in the year downstairs at Lakeland (they also do a roll of baking teflon that you cut to fit your baking trays, good stuff).

    I bought a lamp without a bulb from John Lewis (i may well take it back) they said i could not replace the bulb but it would last twenty years. Lasted two.

    Posted 7 years ago #

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