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"Mayhem" (the new word for chaos) + added “shambles”

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  1. Ed1

    I went to get the 2017 train from livi south on wednessday evening as was cold, the board said it was running as normal but after waiting 15 minutes past its time I checked scot rail and the train had been cancelled before departed from glasgow an hour earlier, because of someone being hit by the train.

    I have cycled from livi north to south a couple of times, from town go up the back of morrisions and take the path to livi south. I normally use the road past lidl when coming from livi north as going down hill.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. fimm

    Ed1 yes, that's the route I should have taken, rather than the long loop round I actually made...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. chdot


    Ross Hart (@RossH_DP)
    11/01/2017, 10:03
    Two and a half hours to drive from Edinburgh to Dunfermline this morning due to #FRB closure. Absolute chaos on the roads.


    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. crowriver

    I understand train services are running smoothly.....just sayin'

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. acsimpson

    They are now... after an earlier signal failure.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. Ed1

  7. crowriver

    Aha, must have missed that one!

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. chdot

  9. HankChief

    Expect some Mayhem in the West for the next few days and the Gogar Underpass is shut to install a digital display.

    Hats off to Start of Friday's subtle tweet

    Posted 7 years ago #
  10. chdot

  11. HankChief

    Yep. Mayhem this morning in the West.

    This is the giant digital billboards being installed - going to be best to stick to the cycle paths from now on...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  12. Frenchy

    Roadworks on Drum St at the moment,, taking it down to one lane. Fans of filtering should head to Gilmerton Road.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  13. amir

    @Frenchy I've been enjoying that for the last couple of days. It can be frustrating difficult to filter in Drum St. "They" should really have banned parking around the roadworks - that might have helped (especially buses and other large vehicles).

    If I wasn't so tired after the weekend's ride, I'd go up Lasswade Road instead to get home(it's steeper!).

    Posted 7 years ago #
  14. Frenchy

    It's also made Drum St much easier to cross as a pedestrian. More roadworks please!

    Posted 7 years ago #
  15. chdot

  16. Frenchy

    Motor traffic on Gilmerton Road this morning was queued nose to tail all the way from Morrison's to Drum Street (presumably further in each direction as well, but that's the stretch I walked along).

    Lots of impatient drivers, including one lady driving on the wrong side of the road in order to get to the front of the queue, as I was crossing the street. Soooo many people texting.

    I did see a councillor waiting for a bus, though, so hopefully they were taking notes.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  17. Ed1

    “Train too unreliable to commute time to buy a new car” this year the morning train from curriehill on the shots line has been cancelled many times with no notice. This year I would guess been late 8 times using public transport once a bus and had to walk 8 miles the other times train.

    At a meeting it was suggested I get a new car after the number of train cancellations was reviewed, my car is old does not always start until the last cancellation I must only have used my car may be 5 times in 2017 to commute, I was cycling or train in the morning and cycle back. I used to cycle both ways every day of my 8 miles commute but was told smell was an issue so then switched to train in the morning cycle home. Now it appears may need to go back to car.

    Are trains too unreliable to use for commuting I suppose the shotts line the one I use is quite unreliable think worse than most.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  18. chdot

    "Are trains too unreliable to use for commuting I suppose the shotts line the one I use is quite unreliable think worse than most."

    Worth a new thread.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  19. crowriver

    Not in my experience they are not (touch wood). I use the east coast line through Fife (Aberdeen/Dundee trains) and while the return service is often 5 minutes late, morning ones are usually on time. Very rare for a major delay or cancellation. I've been doing this for 14 years and if anything the service has improved during that time.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  20. acsimpson

    I've seen a few Fife circle trains cancelled in the evening over the last few months. It's quite annoying when it's the last train for an hour but when it isn't cancelled there are far fewer delays than when driving.

    I guess I should be grateful that my employer is understanding enough and my job flexible enough that if I'm late I can catch up on the time.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  21. crowriver

    "I've seen a few Fife circle trains cancelled"

    Yes, that's true. The InterCity services only very rarely suffer this fate - though it's not unknown, especially in bad weather.

    Most recent incident was the signal failure/broken down train between Haymarket and Waverley earlier this month which caused rippling delays all day, plus quite a few cancellations early morning. My train was cancelled, but I got on the next one and was about half an hour late. On the way back, loads of folk got on at Ladybank from a cancelled Perth-Edinburgh service.

    So as I say, not unknown but thankfully pretty rare.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  22. chdot

    “but thankfully pretty rare“

    That depends -

    Also Fife Circle trains too often skip stations between Kirkcaldy and Inverkeithing making a half hourly service into an hourly one.

    Very occasionally they skip Inverkeithing too, but it and Kirkcaldy have many more trains than the intermediate ones.

    ScotRail sometimes does this to trains running less than 5 minutes late.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  23. chdot

    Though not everything is under SR control -

    Posted 7 years ago #
  24. acsimpson

    Station skipping is pretty rife between Inverkeithing and Haymarket too.

    The last time it happened to me I had aborted a bike commute and jumped on the train at Rosyth which was as you say only a few minutes late. I then had to change at Inverkeithing and get the train to South Gyle rather than Gateway.

    The guard on the train had the cheek to suggest that I should have bought a ticket to South Gyle rather than Gateway. Thankfully he didn't follow through on the suggestion.

    With only alternate trains stopping at each of South Gyle and Gateway a cancellation/skipped station can become a big delay pretty rapidly as they don't have the wisdom/ability to stop the next train at the missed station. (

    Posted 7 years ago #
  25. crowriver

    Traffic chaos at Nevis Range and Glencoe ski centres

    Posted 6 years ago #
  26. HankChief

    "Morning everyone. Back in the office today and already starting to understand the reason for some of last night's traffic issues - we have a hardware failure in the system that co-ordinates the communication between traffic lights...

    ...The result of this is that each junction is running in an 'isolated' mode and the efficiency of traffic flow between junctions is significantly reduced. Roadworks on Queensferry Road certainly an issue but by no means the sole cause of last night's delays.

    External technicians will be attending to this issue as a matter of urgency this morning but some ongoing disruption seems likely."

    Posted 6 years ago #
  27. gembo

    Ah, this explains last night's logjams for cars, not for bikes. The dog's breakfast remains at lochrin basin.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  28. Murun Buchstansangur

    [+] Embed the video | Video DownloadGet the Video Player

    Posted 6 years ago #
  29. HankChief

    "Queensferry Road - 20-30minute travel time Blackhall to Barnton (except cycles!), delays on Quality Street out of Davidson's Mains, lengthy queues Drum Brae North and Maybury Road, long delays Gamekeeper's Road and Whitehouse Road towards Barnton. #edintravel"

    Love it! (My bold).

    Posted 6 years ago #
  30. gembo

    Like it

    Posted 6 years ago #

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