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"walking is being “championed” by the Scottish Government" (with thread drift)

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  1. crowriver

    @gembo, mine are more like shooting breeks but with a slightly different cut, different belt loops etc.

    @unhurt, might be a few snaps of me at 16 in the Lake District but goodness knows where...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. I were right about that saddle

    @crowriver, @gembo

    Them's the very trews. Like slightly longer lederhosen. The mountain rescue guys had the tweed water/bullet proof ones, we had old cordies and our mums' needlework.

    PS The Scottish Government isn't really serious about exercise. Neither is the British one.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  3. gembo

    Hogg's of Fife still making shooting breeches in moleskine, about £45. Bizarrely the one colour is in sizes 30-40 whereas the Lovat is in sizes 34-44. Hogg's must know fat bar stewards who go shooting prefer Lovat?

    I have e-mailed my pal from boys brigade days (currently abroad in a very heavy place) who had the breeches I coveted in 1987. He has come back to me already, think day time where he is sitting. Says he has the thirty year old breeches and that there is a bit of stretch in them but not enough so that he can actually get them on.

    In other phono logically related news, the painting Breechi has won the BP portrait prize. Fantastic exhibition free at portrait gallery, includes old Spanish man in semmit and shorts, not the guy a painting of him, which for me was better than Breechi

    Posted 6 years ago #
  4. crowriver

    @gembo, aye looked at some Hogg's of Fife breeches but then struck gold with real McCoy mountain rescue style (unworn) on fleaBay for a song.

    Do own a pair of Hogg's of Fife moleskin trews though, in a dark brown hue. Excellent if you have to stand about for long in very cold weather, pretty good for a stroll up Arthur's Seat in the ice and snow too as I discovered last week. Keep the chill north wind off your legs very effectively.

    Alas these days reckon I'll be toiling to find fishermen's jumpers in Shetland wool for any price less than HOW MUCH???!!! I blame hipsters.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  5. gembo

    @crowriver, yes finisterre the surfing brand will,do you such a jumper for Funny money, they have a lumberjack jacket in plaid. Like and have knocked £100 off but stll. Had a black watch tartan shirt from Millets in nylon wool - was warm and sweaty but dried quickly back in the day

    Posted 6 years ago #
  6. crowriver

    @gembo, I recall owning quite a few rather scratchy wool fisherman's jumpers. Bought a couple from Kettletoft Stores, Sanday in 1983 for the winter. Very windy up there. Just generic, black/white flecked yarn, cable knit, "Made in Shetland', 100% wool, sold alongside boiler suits, wellies, sou'westers and other bits of farming/fishing kit for not a lot. Workwear I suppose. Equivalent now would be some polyester fleece or acrylic jumper. Not quite the same, though moths not a problem.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  7. gembo

    In eighteen hundred and forty one, me corduroy breeches I put on, me corduroy breeches I put on to work upon the railway

    I was wearing corduroy britches digging ditches dodging hitches pulling switches

    Posted 6 years ago #

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