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Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route

(461 posts)

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  1. neddie

    Regarding Cllr Scott Arthur's 2k "against" emails:

    Don't forget his ward lies to the South of the affected area, but not in it. So most of the complainants will be people wanting to drive through someone else's neighbourhood rather than using the main road.

    I spoke to a resident of Cluny Dr the other day, who was very much in favour of the filters, and reckoned most of her street was too. They pointed out that a lot of school children walk to school along Cluny Dr, and it has suffered from rat-running.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  2. chdot

    “and it has suffered from rat-running”

    ‘For ever’ or more so due to road changes?

    Posted 3 years ago #
  3. chdot

    “most of the complainants will be people wanting to drive through someone else's neighbourhood rather than using the main road“


    Posted 3 years ago #
  4. neddie

    “and it has suffered from rat-running”

    ‘For ever’ or more so due to road changes?

    It sounded like it had always suffered from rat-running

    Posted 3 years ago #
  5. neddie

    Another point about OSM:

    Braid Crescent is meant to be one-way eastbound at the junction with Comiston Rd. I'm not sure if it's been implemented yet.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  6. jonty

    Interesting that Scott Arthur now seems to be focusing on complaints he's had about the quality of the cycle lanes. I have to say I find the system of putting the bollards on the inside of the line subtly unpleasant and car-focused - I feel like I could lose concentration, ride to the line and hit one of the grey bollard bases.

    Concerns like that are pretty easily addressed in the short and long term though. It's pretty suspicious that he's lumping them all together in one figure - almost so that, in a hand-wave, he could go "everyone hates it - let's just give up." Hopefully he doesn't, and this is actually a shift in narrative from "do it or don't" to "do it bad or do it better."

    I wouldn't be averse to a "pause" as restrictions ease and focus put on finessing the designs of existing schemes and making them permanent. Which, I suppose, is really what the council is doing!

    Posted 3 years ago #
  7. Stickman

    Has Cllr Arthur resigned his position on the Transport Committee yet or is he still getting colleagues to substitute for him when there’s something he doesn’t want to vote for?

    Posted 3 years ago #
  8. chdot

    “I suppose, is really what the council is doing!“

    Seems so, perhaps not with consistent coherence?

    I have no understanding how this is being managed.

    One person/small team taking all/key decisions?

    Local (CEC) teams implementing and making some decisions?

    All on-ground work done by contractors to CEC/consultant produced detailed plans?

    Posted 3 years ago #
  9. jonty

    I did read some suggestion that some detailed design work is being done in London. This is presumably common for all engineering and in theory isn't a problem for most things but it does feel like it becomes one if it means that eg. nobody notices there's no way to get to the Braid Hills Hotel in the first draft of the Braid Road plans.

    I sort of imagine we'd end up with "better" plans (in an unquantifiable way that you can't put in a tender document) if the council was sufficiently well staffed that most of the people involved were familiar with the areas they were working on or at least able to visit easily from time to time. Even better if they feel like they might end up using some of them regularly.

    (Or would it just lead to engineers refusing to block the rat-runs they use to drive to work!?)

    Posted 3 years ago #
  10. neddie

    Does anyone know when the pre-existing Braidburn Terrace changes are set to be made permanent?

    Posted 3 years ago #
  11. chdot

    “if the council was sufficiently well staffed“

    A significant problem that’s existed for YEARS.

    ‘Cheaper to use contractors’ was probably never true and can hardly be cost effective for things like this.

    As ever, part of the problem is general underfunding of LAs and also (temporary) ‘project funding’ which SfP clearly is - and also much of Sustrans funded things.

    With (previously) several years of (planned) percentage increases for Active Travel, it oughtto be have been possible to increase staffing(?)

    Posted 3 years ago #
  12. pringlis

    The Braid Road plans all seem to list the Sustrans office on Haymarket Terrace as the ones who drew them up.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  13. jonty

    Haymarket a different country compared to leafy Blackford perhaps ;)

    Posted 3 years ago #
  14. jonty

    > Does anyone know when the pre-existing Braidburn Terrace changes are set to be made permanent?

    "scheduled for delivery later this year" according to SfP form email reply

    Posted 3 years ago #
  15. boothym

    Another point about OSM:

    Braid Crescent is meant to be one-way eastbound at the junction with Comiston Rd. I'm not sure if it's been implemented yet.

    If you or someone else can confirm that's in place on the ground then it can be changed in OSM :)

    Posted 3 years ago #
  16. neddie

    It wasn’t on the ground today

    Posted 3 years ago #
  17. fimm

    Went up Braid Road yesterday - there are wands on the bike lanes now. The junction at Braidburn Terrace/Hermitage Drive looks clear to me - you can only get into Braid Road from Hermitage Drive. There's lots of paint at the junction. I did have a cyclist come fast from Braid Road as I was going to turn right from Braidburn Terrace so just be cautious there (whether you are enjoying the downhill or making the turn!).

    Posted 3 years ago #
  18. chdot

  19. pringlis

    Really enjoying the Quiet Route itself and we see it used lots, not only at school pickup/dropoff. One thing I'm not enjoying is the increase on traffic on Kilgraston Road the last few days now that things have reopened. Takes a long time to cross... They really need to accelerate the plans to add crossing points, uphill cycle lane, etc. I really hope they don't revisit those plans - I can already see the complaints about cyclists having two parallel cycle lanes, just like Braid Road/Comiston Road.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  20. neddie


    Best not to amplify the 2-follower troll "Edinburgh Rocks", that Furcoat is replying to, though

    Posted 3 years ago #
  21. chdot

    “They really need to accelerate the plans to add crossing points, uphill cycle lane, etc“

    Was that part of this? (Started 6 YEARS ago)

    Marchmont to King's Buildings consultation

    Posted 3 years ago #
  22. pringlis

    Yup, Marchmont to King's Buildings. Allegedly due to be completed July 2021 but I can't see that happening. The plans weren't perfect but were a big improvement on status quo.

    One of my kids goes to the nursery at Blackford Road/Dick Place crossroads where they're meant to be adding a bike and pedestrian crossing which would be transformative. We usually drop her on her scooter then my eldest cycles along Blackford Road to South Morningside on Canaan Lane. Spent ages waiting to cross the other day, and I know that people cycling to JGPS from Grange/Blackford are struggling to cross at the Grange Loan intersection to access the Quiet Route.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  23. chdot

    Braid Road Urgent Review – Outcome
    As you are aware Braid Road re-opened to Southbound traffic alongside the introduction of several measures meant to support the Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Connection on Monday 19th April.

    As you are also aware, the layout as installed resulted in some unintended consequences with significant numbers of vehicles travelling north/east from Braidburn Terrace towards Cluny Gardens along the route of the quiet connection until the junction of Cluny Drive and Braid Avenue where traffic is forced to turn left. This resulted in larger levels of traffic in certain streets on the quiet connection (such as Corrennie Drive) than would normally be seen.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  24. Murun Buchstansangur

    "We will also be making the following changes following specific feedback:

    Revising the layout of Braid Road between the junction with Hermitage Drive and the Hermitage of Braid path to allow northbound egress from the Hermitage of Braid for forestry maintenance vehicles"

    Yeah right, I'm sure that exactly who/what'll be using it.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  25. Murun Buchstansangur

    So the urgent review proposals are:

    "Add ‘LOCAL ACCESS ONLY’ signage at western end of Braidburn Terrace to discourage through traffic from
    entering Braid/Cluny estate.
    NB: Already introduced.
    Drawbacks: May experience poor compliance, thus problem may continue"

    D'ya think?

    and to introduce a right turn across traffic, in traffic, to cyclists on the quiet route.

    Spiffing work.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  26. neddie

    Braid Rd / Comiston Rd consultation here:

    Closing date extended to 10th Oct

    More info here:

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. Stickman

    Braid Road to be reopened in both directions, with a modal filter north of Braidburn Terrace.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. chdot

    Is that decided?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. Stickman

    Well, it’s the recommendation being made so I’m assuming it will pass unless the SNP/Labour decide to oppose their own officer recommendations.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  30. chdot


    Posted 2 years ago #

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