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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

(359 posts)
  • Started 3 years ago by CycleAlex
  • Latest reply from Stickman

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  1. Stickman

    £100k in fines will cover a large part of the project cost.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  2. neddie

    God I feel dirty after clicking that link. Having to shut down multiple videos and banners obscuring the text. One video even playing with the sound up by default and no obvious way to shut it off. Do you click on the video and risk opening something more abnoxious, or do you find a stop button there?


    Posted 12 months ago #
  3. acsimpson

    If anyone finds a car free zone in Edinburgh do let us know where.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  4. gembo

    Inside the post office in Waverley shopping centre there is a postage stamp and inside that postage stamp there is an LTN

    Posted 12 months ago #
  5. Murun Buchstansangur

    Slateford Green was meant to be car-free when built? Didn’t last long :(

    Posted 12 months ago #
  6. wishicouldgofaster

    Getting annoyed with the lack of democracy lie when the Libdems had traffic calming in their manifesto.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  7. Stickman

    Looks like the bus gate camera has been vandalised again.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  8. acsimpson

    Someone shared a similar picture shortly after it was repaired. I think the opinion was that the dangling wires might be an antenna of some sort.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  9. neddie

    Not sure that antennae would come out of a 'caravan' connector though ?

    Posted 12 months ago #
  10. acsimpson

    Scott Arthur appears to have confirmed that it is vandalism. At least this time there was a security camera.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  11. Stickman

    Yeah, I saw some pictures of it just after it had been repaired and it looks like the two wires that went into the connector @neddie referenced have been cut.

    The vandal freedom fighter either knew what they were doing or were extremely lucky not to be electrocuted.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  12. chdot

    This is not part of the the LTN - you've not be able to turn right onto Featherhall Ave for at least six years (which is when I moved to Corstorphine). They've only just realised that people have been ignoring the signs.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  13. Stickman

  14. chdot

    From link

    There's also been some significant displacement on some of the streets around it, like Station Road and Dovecot Road.

    Completely anecdotal of course -

    I’ve been along Dovecot Road a few times in recent weeks, admittedly not at ‘rush hour’, but seen no obvious increase in traffic.

    In fact in years of using route - long before it was signed - it’s normal to see NO vehicles!

    Whatever the ‘truths’ of observations/surveys, perhaps time for some road pricing…

    Posted 12 months ago #
  15. Stickman

    @chdot: the traffic increase on Dovecot Road was a massive 24 vehicles during the six hours of bus gate operation.

    Also, what has been the overall traffic increase in the city between the baseline and survey date?

    Posted 12 months ago #
  16. neddie

    It’s only been in a month!

    It takes at least 6 months for traffic to settle into its steady state, after a change like this. Even if it were true that traffic had increased, it’s impossible to tell until at least 6 months have passed, and more likely not until after 18 months have passed

    Posted 12 months ago #
  17. Morningsider

    @Stickman - an interesting point. The baseline data is from "traffic counts were carried out for 7 days at 16 locations across the project area from 7th November 2021".

    Between 2021 and 2022 the distance travelled by car and taxi in Edinburgh increased by 11.8%. Assuming continued traffic growth at a similar rate into 2023 and most of the increase on Dovecot Road could well be explained by the general growth in traffic.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  18. chdot

    Net support for #LTNs in London is growing with support outweighing opposition by a ratio of 3:1 according to Redfield and Wilton’s latest poll.

    42% net approval = 59% supporting and 17% opposing.

    With bar chart

    Posted 12 months ago #
  19. chdot

    The anti-ULEZ/LTN/vaccinations crowd were at Putney Bridge/PHS junction on Saturday. Well, when I say crowd I mean about 5 of them. Most reasonable people (and most people are reasonable) know that traffic makes our places and spaces worse.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  20. neddie

    support outweighing opposition by a ratio of 3:1 according to Redfield and Wilton’s latest poll.

    42% net approval = 59% supporting and 17% opposing

    Why do they use this "net approval" figure?

    A ratio of 3:1 sounds much better and people will remember that much more than they would "42%" !

    Posted 12 months ago #
  21. chdot

    "If you stand in front of the junction it's very clear it's a bus gate, it's very clear its one way and it's very clear what the hours of operation are.

    "You can't miss it.

    "It's painted on the road in quite large letters."

    Posted 12 months ago #
  22. neddie

    They should introduce mandatory eye tests for all drivers that are fined by the bus-gate

    Posted 12 months ago #
  23. chdot

    Manse Road EH12 vandalised bus gate camera: 'Bus Lane Temporarily Not In Use' signs operational today ...

    Posted 11 months ago #
  24. neddie


    Why have they done that? To open it up to all and sundry?

    What harm is there to leave it as is? At least there will be some people who won't know the cameras aren't working

    Posted 11 months ago #
  25. chdot


    Featherhall Avenue was closed this morning at the High Street end - working on the pavement? The High St was open again to cars.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  26. chdot

    Council director Simon Baxter's bizarre tirade against "Anglo-Saxon" people at committee last night was yet another attempt by @TowerHamletsNow to undermine the two consultation results which show strong support by residents for Liveable Streets.

    Short video, quite bizarre/disturbing!

    Posted 11 months ago #
  27. chdot

    I'm proud to have just completed my master's thesis on LTNs in London.

    After 6 months of digging into the data, I know that the academic research backs LTNs as the cheapest and most effective way to reduce cars and encourage mode shift.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  28. steveo

    Is there no where better than twitter for these discussions? The anti everything brigade seem to be all that's left.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  29. acsimpson

    There is mastodon. It's a little more complicated to setup an account but then you are free from the control and whims of a single individual.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  30. Yodhrin

    Don't see the point in Mastodon et al - in seeking to solve the problems of twitter etc they give up its only virtue - universality - in exchange for all the downsides of classic forums without any of the upsides.

    Really we just need to accept the social media experiment has failed and go back to the nice comfy topic-focused BBS internet of yore, but that doesn't make people loadsamoney so is probably a forlorn hope.

    Posted 11 months ago #

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