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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

(359 posts)
  • Started 3 years ago by CycleAlex
  • Latest reply from Stickman

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  1. Stickman

    Council survey on the Corstorphine LTN published. Turns out that there isn’t majority opposition. Cllr Arthur:

    Corstorphine Connections Trial Road Safety Scheme

    The Council has just published a survey of local opinion on this "LTN". There is lots for it to reflect on, but there are some interesting results.

    ✔️ 49% of people say they support the scheme. This is 67.1% with "Neither nor" & "No opinion / don’t know" responses removed.
    ✔️ 81% support the wider footways
    ✔️ 74% support the narrower roads
    ✔️ 41% of parents of children aged under 16 say "it is safe for children aged 8 and over to walk to school unaccompanied in this neighbourhood". Before the trial, only 27% of parents agreed with this.
    ✔️ The number of people who say "fast moving vehicles" are the biggest problem for children travelling safely in the area has fallen from 22% to 10%.

    On the downside:
    ❌61% say the biggest problem for children travelling safely in the area is still "busy traffic/too many vehicles". This has increased from 54%.
    ❌ 32% say the biggest problem for people walking/wheeling in the area is still "Too many vehicles". This has increased from 24%.
    ❌ Of the 19% of people who made further comments: 23% felt the trial had "not improved congestion/moved problem to other streets"; 18% felt it had "caused more congestion / traffic jams"; and, 5% mentioned the "bus gate on Manse Road".
    ❌ People now say that traffic is less of an issue on Featherall Avenue, but there are increased concerns about Corstorphine High Street, Saughton Road North & Ladywell Road.

    ▶️ The survey suggests the scheme is delivering key benefits for the community. The challenge now is how to retain and enhance these whilst dealing with the negatives (largely vehicle volume related).


    Posted 6 months ago #
  2. chdot

    How to save a Low Traffic Neighbourhood: Overcoming hecklers, “dodgy” data, and political intrigue as councillors prevent early scrapping of active streets trial

    At a meeting disrupted by anti-LTN activists, councillors voted in favour of retaining the Exeter trial, after cycling and walking campaigners criticised a “flawed” and “biased” report suggesting the scheme could be abandoned

    Posted 6 months ago #
  3. chdot

    Government claims that it blocked councils from installing low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) appear to have been a fiction, the Guardian has learned, in another apparent sign that Rishi Sunak’s “plan for drivers” is thus far mainly performative.

    After the revelation last month that the prime minister’s decision to prioritise driving over walking and cycling was prompted in part by “15-minute city” conspiracy theories, documents show that a claim about the wider policy shift was invented.

    In May last year, when the most recent tranche of Department for Transport (DfT) funding for local active travel schemes was set out, some newspapers were briefed that ministers had blocked all money for LTNs, which use physical barriers or cameras to stop motor through-traffic on smaller residential roads.

    One article read: “Mark Harper, the transport secretary, has stripped funding from all projects which involve the creation of car-free zones.”

    However, official papers seen by the Guardian show that the lack of LTNs was because none of these schemes that wanted DfT money were deemed to be of good enough quality and that Harper had no role in the decision.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  4. chdot

  5. chdot

    Rishi Sunak’s report finds low-traffic neighbourhoods work and are popular

    Exclusive: Downing Street hoped study would strengthen arguments against LTNs and report was buried at first

    Posted 4 months ago #
  6. chdot

    NEW: for those following the buried LTN report saga, I’m told the polling on popularity took place inside *and* around the LTN. The report wasn’t very clear, but a source from one of the four areas says the polling took place all around the LTN itself, as well

    Posted 4 months ago #
  7. neddie

    How long will councillors and politicians be able to hold out on the lie that no one wants LTNs?

    Posted 4 months ago #
  8. chdot

    Clyde Loakes, the deputy leader of Labour-led Waltham Forest council who also holds the council’s air quality cabinet post, said removing DVLA access would “destroy our popular and successful active travel schemes, put schoolchildren in danger, open up to fraud resident priority parking schemes and gut our important concessionary travel schemes for older people and those with disabilities.”

    He said: “This is micro-management taken to another level by those who clearly don’t understand the issue and the implications and consequences of these latest proposals.”

    A DfT spokesperson said: “We remain committed to the measures set out in our plan for drivers, including exploring options on councils’ access to DVLA data to enforce traffic schemes such as low-traffic neighbourhoods. This is part of our long-term plan to help people across our country travel in the way that works best for them.”

    Posted 4 months ago #
  9. chdot

    Finally published - government's own review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods shows that they are generally supported!

    Yet, despite their own research, this morning government has gone out with load of angry rhetoric against LTNs, 20mph & even bus lane cameras.

    Desperate stuff

    (London's Walking & Cycling Commissioner.

    Working with @MayorOfLondon to build a safer, greener & healthier city for all. Tweets & typos all mine.)

    Posted 4 months ago #
  10. chdot

    Let's look at facts:

    20mph saves lives - 25% fall in fatal collisions on London's main roads

    Government own research show LTNs are generally popular & work

    Camera enforcement makes roads safer and prevents traffic chaos - box junctions, bus lanes, parking etc etc

    Posted 4 months ago #
  11. chdot

    Desperately desperate

    Posted 4 months ago #
  12. neddie

    Plan for planetary destruction, mair like

    Posted 4 months ago #
  13. chdot


    Above only applies to England of course.

    But still sets a tone…

    Perhaps SG and SA should join together and point this out (?!)

    Posted 4 months ago #
  14. chdot

  15. chdot

    The British Parking Association has spoken out over a review into LTNs and potential disbanding of them.

    Government green lights nuisance driving

    In response to the statement and guidance issued on the 17th of March for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and the Plan For Drivers, Isaac Occhipinti from the BPA commented:

    “LTNs are a relatively new development, and we continuously work with our members to ensure best practice in any traffic or parking management schemes. However, whilst we accept that the need for enhanced guidance for new traffic schemes should always be explored, the current rhetoric and implied punishments for Councils is proving to be extremely damaging and misleading.

    He went on: "We are calling on Government to lay these regulations as soon as possible and to have a plan that truly supports the majority of compliant drivers, rather than effectively rewarding non-compliance."


    There’s isn’t a Gov War on Motorists??

    Posted 4 months ago #
  16. chdot

  17. Stickman

    Lots of responses to Scott Arthur’s videos of Corstorphine tRAFfIc cHAoS, which he filmed between 8am and 9am on Friday.

    Apparently this isn’t peak time, and he won’t have seen the real congestion which happens at other times. Perhaps the best comment came from one of the ACE leaders, who told him to come and see the traffic at 7am. The Manse Road bus gate doesn’t operate until 8.30.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  18. chdot

    A government target to ensure everyone lives within 15 minutes of green space such as parks and rivers – not that our filthy waterways are much of an attraction – has evaporated; and though fewer cars make urban streets safer to play in, the Tories have gone cold on low-traffic neighbourhoods. Meanwhile, teenagers loitering in public spaces are met with adult suspicion and hostility.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  19. chdot

    Among other stories, he looks at how a bogus medical syndrome known as “excited delirium” was instrumental in guiding the Minneapolis police’s lethal treatment of George Floyd; the way that an Oxford traffic filter scheme and a futuristic think piece published by the World Economic Forum were falsely presented as a global conspiracy to control human movement and rob people of their property; and the dissemination of the idea that Covid-19 was created for big pharma profits.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  20. chdot

    It’s weird to find people casually talking about ‘hassling’ you and donating to campaign groups that tried to ruin your life, but now admitting how great LTNs are.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  21. ejstubbs

    Maria Caulfield faces calls to refer herself to ethics adviser over false ‘15-minute city’ claims

    It was one of several increasingly common conspiracy theories identified in a guide – given to MPs by the leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, last week – as being noxious to British democracy.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  22. chdot

    New research published today shows the British public is overwhelmingly in favour of low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), with 97% of adults saying they would like to see an LTN in every community.

    LTNs tackle congestion, pollution and dangerous driving by discouraging short car journeys which could be made by other modes, such as walking, cycling and public transport. There are over 300 new LTNs in the UK.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  23. acsimpson

    Did you read to the end of that article? It's perhaps not such a good one to post without comment:

    "The totally legitimate and completely representative survey was carried out by a new organisation, Lie In Research, which was created when the CEO was having a lie in on Saturday morning. The organisation has no previous track record in public research."...

    "If you’ve read this far, then well done, you’re obviously interested in the facts. Good research is important and you can’t just make it up based on your own views, or use obviously biased samples. And if you still believe the research above, then I’m a banana."

    Posted 2 months ago #
  24. gembo

    Lead researcher - Mervin Makkitupp

    Posted 2 months ago #
  25. ejstubbs

    Call for stricter rules to stop UK MPs repeating conspiracy theories

    Demos report come after two ministers publicised unverified claims about low-traffic neighbourhood schemes

    Parliament’s ethics and standards watchdog should urgently review its requirements to ensure ministers were truthful and accurate in their communications on contentious issues, and avoid spreading disinformation that can polarise debate, the thinktank said in a report on low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs).

    Central government had created serious problems for local authorities with its wild swings on the issue of LTNs, Demos added, as ministers first enthusiastically backed such schemes and ordered them to be implemented swiftly during the Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020, then veered away when their unpopularity among some motorists became apparent.

    The government is now seeking to limit local authorities’ ability to implement the schemes, even though a report commissioned by ministers found they were popular and beneficial.

    The health minister Maria Caulfield repeated the untrue claim that plans for 15-minute cities – a term coined to describe livable communities where amenities such as GP surgeries, shops and leisure facilities are within walkable distance for most people – would include a road toll on anyone travelling by car more than 15 minutes from home.

    Mark Harper, a transport minister, went further and endorsed false claims that LTNs are a means to prevent people travelling outside their local area without permission.

    At least that literal damp squib Sunk has decided to give us the long-awaited opportunity to get rid of these stupid, lazy, incompetent, in-it-only-for-themselves <rule 2 word ending in "rds">.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  26. chdot

    About above

    ‘Disinformation about low traffic neighbourhoods soared after Government U-turn’

    Posted 2 months ago #
  27. chdot

    “My children are not part of any cycling lobby”: Residents hit out at council after emails show officials disregarding locals’ opposition to removal of LTN as “concerted response from cyclists”

    Finally, regarding the emails, Farquharson said: “Saying it’s a cycling lobby when you’re instead pandering to the driving lobby and ignoring all the residents who live there, whether they cycle, or drive, or walk, just smacks of arrogance.

    “Quite a broad section of people are going to miss it, certainly not just the cyclists.”

    Posted 2 months ago #
  28. chdot

    Climate science denial / anti-vax group @togetherdec found to be responsible for a wave of 'disinformation' around LTNs. Report by Demos found Together posted 27% (!) of online posts attacking LTNs in 2023.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  29. Stickman

    The bus gate enforcement camera on Manse Road has been cut down for the third time. I wonder if the culprit will be caught on the CCTV camera that was installed to protect the enforcement camera?

    Posted 1 day ago #

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