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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

(382 posts)
  • Started 3 years ago by CycleAlex
  • Latest reply from acsimpson

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  1. Frenchy

    Don't know the reason, but do know that the council's active travel team have been chasing up its reinstatement with the roads team.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  2. Dave

    So to unpack the data from the moral panic, traffic around the LTN has risen by 0.5% relative to the background change in traffic levels in the wider area. Meanwhile traffic inside the LTN has fallen by nearly 10%. So that seems... about what you'd expect?

    It's a very tiny area of benefit, so it's not to hard to understand why relatively few people support it. It's like asking people whether they support a tax cut despite living in just the wrong postcode to benefit from it. Much less easy to support.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  3. Stickman

    Worth pointing out that around half of that 6.5% increase is due to one location - Broomhouse Road. I suspect that there are other factors (people at Edinburgh Park returning to office working, other roadworks etc) causing that increase than just the LTN. It strikes me as too big an increase to have been caused just by the Manse Road change.

    As ACE have said themselves in two occasions at TEC, the choice of baseline (Nov 21) was inappropriate and means that the effect of the LTN can’t be identified from this data. Wont stop them doing so though.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  4. Arellcat

    If the dataset is by day, then they would expect to see traffic increasing on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and less on Mondays and Fridays. This is a pretty universal trend now for major employers who have hybrid working policies. The trend would be independent of school run traffic which would be fairly constant through the working week.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  5. Stickman

    ACE are presenting yet another mammoth submission at TEC tomorrow. It’s a doozy:

    Posted 1 week ago #
  6. neddie

    The amount of time they spent writing that, in the same time they probably could have just walked everywhere they wanted to drive.

    Drivers forget the amount of time they spend working to pay for the car and the time spent to maintain the status quo.

    Hopefully, the whole deputation is so ridiculously long and presumably* repetitive, that no one will read it

    *I didn't read it

    Posted 1 week ago #
  7. Stickman

    ACE deputation went as expected. Lots of scare stories and the great claim that children shouldn’t be walking to school via Manse Road (the most direct route from St John’s Road) because the pavements are too narrow there.

    When asked what they would do instead they said “the main roads will always be busy, but the side streets could be made safer”.

    So after a year of arguing against it, although they don’t realise it, they said they would support an LTN.

    Posted 6 days ago #
  8. gembo

    In the photo of the deputation they don’t look like they have all had frontal lobotomies. And yet, lack of cognitive reasoning, lack of empathy, fixation on one issue - all the signs.

    Posted 6 days ago #
  9. neddie

    I thought frontal lobotomies were “supposed” to make you passive and happy?

    Posted 6 days ago #
  10. Stickman

    If anyone is interested, I did a Twitter thread of the highlights so you don’t have to watch it:

    Oh, and Kevin Lang lied had a memory lapse about the Lib Dem involvement in the scheme.

    Posted 6 days ago #
  11. neddie

    Any chance someone could threadreaderapp unroll that?
    For those that deleted the nazi bar

    Posted 6 days ago #
  12. gembo

    The headline is - When asked what they would do instead they proposed an LTN

    Posted 5 days ago #
  13. Stickman

    Warwick Campbell, who lives in the LTN at Oswald Terrace, said it had “trapped us and forced thousands of residents to have only one option to leave the area”.

    Several years ago the residents of Oswald Terrace successfully campaigned for school street restrictions to be imposed on Oswald Terrace and neighbouring streets. Now they are complaining that they aren’t allowed to drive wherever they want at certain restricted times.

    Posted 5 days ago #
  14. gembo

    Fckn roasters

    Posted 5 days ago #
  15. Morningsider

    Perfectly encapsulates the sheer waste of time, money and effort of the approach adopted by the Council. Don't give these schemes names, don't run big multi-stage consultations, simply treat them as the minor changes to traffic management that they are. Pre-design traffic surveys and the statutory TRO/RSO consultation process should be enough to design a half decent scheme.

    Consultation is the bane of the Scottish public sector - many younger officials now see it as an end in itself, never having worked when it was seen as a chore to be got through so the actual work could be done. "But what about the public?" many will cry. One of the key jobs of an elected member is to gather local intelligence to inform Council schemes. Seems to have fallen by the wayside in recent years. I suspect in part due to a loss of confidence and the growth of the consultant class, only too happy to drain public sector coffers for little real benefit.

    Posted 5 days ago #
  16. neddie

    "not democratic", said one affluent, middle-aged+, white, male motorist...

    No, what is not democratic is listening to a handful of, likely biased, people, instead of following the policies and manifestos of elected representatives.

    Does this need to keep being repeated? When will local "democracy" reporters do their F ing jobs, and support democracy?

    Posted 5 days ago #
  17. neddie

    the low traffic neighbourhood meant a journey that previously took 10 minutes "is increasingly likely to be twice that time"

    LTN working as intended then. Because if the extra time required to navigate an LTN by car is a significant proportion of the overall journey time, perhaps that journey would be better made by a more equitable form of transport?

    Posted 5 days ago #
  18. Rosie

    I read somewhere that it was a mistake to give such schemes a name like Low Traffic Neighbourhood and instead simply carry out piecemeal improvements. As soon as you label something collectively, you then get collective action against it.

    Posted 4 days ago #
  19. neddie

    If anyone is interested, I did a Twitter thread of the highlights so you don’t have to watch it:

    Any chance someone could threadreaderapp unroll that?

    Thankfully someone did:

    Posted 2 days ago #
  20. neddie

    Worse still, the BBC is now giving oxygen to these roasters

    Posted 2 days ago #
  21. Stickman

    Officers are recommending to the TRO committee that the project is made permanent, although bus gate hours will be reduced to 8.00 - 9.30 and 14.00 - 16.00.

    A 400 page report to deal with easily disproved objections about parking etc.

    Decision to be made on 23rd September.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  22. acsimpson

    Is that the same timing on a Friday? If not it should be extended to cover the school finish at lunchtime.

    Posted 18 hours ago #

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