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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

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  1. neddie

    I can't help thinking this new TRO sub-committee is a stitch-up by pro-motoring councillors.

    Although, I'm glad to see that Neil Ross has dropped off. He was one of the two main proponents of the removal the Braid Estate filters (because he was selling his house there). Plus a long run of weaselly words, simultanously claiming to "support" safety outside schools, while also campaigning to rip out the actual safety measures in-place nearby

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  2. Stickman

    It’s supposed to be a quasi-legal committee with restrictions on what members can say about decisions in advance, so why is Kevin Lang shooting his mouth off about it?

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  3. Morningsider

    @Stickman - the Councillors' Code of Conduct is very clear on what Councillors responsible for deciding on quasi-judicial and regulatory issues should not do. Including:

    I WILL NOT...

    e) express any view on the application before the appropriate meeting where the application will be considered. If I do so I will not participate in any aspect of the decision-making nor vote on the application;
    f) formulate my conclusions on an application until all available information is to hand and has been duly considered by me at the meeting where the application will be considered;

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  4. neddie

    If I do so I will not participate in any aspect of the decision-making nor vote on the application

    Therefore, we can kick Lang out of the next decision on "Corstorphine Connections"? Who will call protocol on this?

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  5. Dave
    Member perhaps, but note that it takes them five months to make their initial screening and a further five months to actually investigate

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  6. chdot

    LTC point out that the LTN was first designed in response to complaints from the community. LTC’s representative is frustrated at “the opinion that this is a new thing that was thrust upon the community… that's perpetuated by three Lib Dem councillors who don’t understand or seem to ignore the history that drove it in the first place.”

    Councillor Davidson, who says that he supports active travel in general, but isn’t convinced by the evidence that the LTN has worked, says that communication from the Council has, for a variety of reasons, left many in Corstorphine feeling ignored. “It’s been so bureaucratic and sort of copy-and-paste response, that I don’t think people have felt like their concerns or support have been reflected… that’s genuinely not officers’ fault… they have to do this legalised process. But I think that has then led to people feeling disenfranchised.”


    Considering the level of opposition to Corstorphine’s LTN, regardless of how representative it is of the wider community, councillors could be forgiven for deciding that pushing it through simply isn’t worth the hassle. But any decision about a handful of streets in Corstorphine may have ramifications across the city. The Council has a goal of reducing car miles in Edinburgh by 30% by 2030, for a variety of public health and climate objectives. To have any hope of achieving its aim it will have to get Corstorphine right.

    Posted 3 days ago #
  7. Dave

    I don't think I'd have to look too far up thread to find a comment from myself expressing amazement that the council, after breaking its back in East Craigs, chose to go ahead with another traffic restriction scheme in Corstorphine. Nothing I've seen since has changed my assessment of this, if it's another bloodbath it will have been an entirely predictable one

    Posted 2 days ago #
  8. acsimpson

    It was certainly an interesting choice, however despite the noise there is strong local support for it. Unfortunately there is also wealthy climate deniers who like to drive everywhere and aren't bothered that St Johns road is one of Scotland's top pollution hot spots.

    The local councillors are of course much more likely to be visited by those with time and money on their side.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  9. Stickman

    Absolutely top Lib Demming from the Lib Dem

    - complains about the consultation process despite his own leader having praised the consultation process and the design changes made in response
    - says he wasn’t aware of the project, despite the Lib Dems being involved in the development, having supported it throughout (until the “controversy”) and even voted for the bus gate
    - says he supports active travel but not this scheme, doesn’t say *how* he supports it
    - wants more projects the public would support without controversy: which would be?
    - fails to mention that much of the “controversy” has been caused by LibDems trying to play both sides (as they did at Roseburn)

    Just peak LibDem performance. He’ll go far.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  10. Stickman

    TRO committee votes to remove the bus gate.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  11. neddie

    Urgh. That'll set the city back decades. They've watered that scheme down so much, it could barely be called an LTN.

    More power to the motorists! Burn the planet!

    Posted 1 day ago #
  12. Stickman

    Much focus in the debate on “keeping traffic moving” - there has been no progress at all.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  13. gembo

    Yes no actual thinking

    Traffic will not move

    There is only Traffic

    Posted 1 day ago #
  14. Morningsider

    Worrying turn from the SNP - their votes are vital for any progress on active travel and public transport.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  15. gembo

    Aye they have gone to the dark side

    Posted 1 day ago #
  16. Stickman

    I didn’t get the election result correct but I did predict how the SNP would react:

    Tories in control, Labour/LibDems propping them up either formally or informally. Old school SNP cllrs blame active travel policies for defeat & revert to car-first policies, sideline Macinnes & allies.

    Any small progress in Edinburgh quickly reversed.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  17. gembo

    StephenJenkinson saying he is satisfied with the decision. Maybe the cost of not catching the boy chopping down the camera has got to him?

    Posted 1 day ago #
  18. neddie

    Letting thuggery win... What a message to send...

    Why then, did they create a new committee to review TROs, over and above the Transport Committee?

    The only reason I can think of is to make it harder to change anything from the status quo.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  19. Arellcat


    you could re-propose the 1960s Edinburgh Inner Ring Road plans and they [Transport Scotland] would fully fund it in seconds

    May 22, 2024

    Posted 1 day ago #
  20. chdot

  21. gembo

    Yeah but lib dems and SNP are Two faced climate deniers when the measures cause discomfort to one or two drivers with high social capital as they are WASP NIMBYs

    Posted 1 day ago #
  22. chdot


    The TrafficRegs subcttee, not the Transport Cttee decides..

    says the market research is poor
    says #busgate not working well

    6 - scrap bus gate (Lib/Con/SNP)
    3 - keep bus gate (Lab/Green)

    So bus gate will go!!

    Posted 1 day ago #
  23. neddie

    Are we going to have this kind of nonsense for every city centre bus-gate, as proposed by the City Circulation plan?

    Because if so, civilisation will have collapsed into a shadow of its former self, before we get the city rid of the plagues of cars

    Posted 1 day ago #
  24. Dave

    This showcases the genius of the new committee from a pro-car perspective. The councillors on TEC can shrug and say that they didn't enable more private car use while the councillors on the TRO committee can say that their remit is to consider TROs narrowly in isolation. (Even if they are one and the same person!)

    Posted 1 day ago #
  25. gembo

    One of the Corstorphine Cats called Le Ref is using a lot of bad language. Does anyone know him [I assume He] as he could be the camera chopper? As after one exchange on twitter he has asserted he can drive where he likes and then various cuss words.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  26. Stickman

    I had a run in with that guy previously. Very angry and emotional chap - lives up Corstorphine Hill from what I could gather.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  27. Stickman

    Veterans of the Greenbank-Meadows quiet route farrago will be unsurprised to learn that if was Cllr Neil Ross who led the way at the committee removing the bus gate.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  28. Dave

    It's weird to see this spun as "LTN made permanent" in the paper. Without the restriction on through traffic, what is left? They only put bollards on Featherhall to stop people end running the bus gate. A school street restriction isn't an LTN, otherwise we'd be applauding the Sciennes LTN

    Posted 1 day ago #
  29. bakky

    The pavement widening stays, and assumedly we also get to keep the stump where the camera pole was cut down as a monument to the death of good ideas.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  30. gembo

    @Stickman - I asked him to stop. Swearing and he did. He drives 3000 miles a year but Walks 20 miles a week and takes the bus. He is maybe triggered by being forced to not drive a rat run. He has always congratulated himself on using. He seems to be chatting to me reasonably now as I have admitted to owning. A Car and driving it into Edinburgh. Though obviously I have never mentioned cycling. I think he might be an elderly chap if any of this is real as he is also a golfer. The other cat though Garage Ross he is consistently unpleasant. I did ask Le Ref if he cut down the Camera. he ignored that. I did ask Garage Ross if he cut Down the camera. As he uses his own name on twitter he has not liked that and asked me to stop accusing him of a criminal act. i have suggested he is a bit defensive. I think my almost perfect wife has stopped listening to The Archers [we all have our faults] so i will stop engaging with these cats [one who seems to have a split personality and the other who is just rude/cuts down cameras] and retire to bed to read True Grit as I find this Charles Portis novel to be comforting when I have a bad cold. The Coen Bros film is almost verbatim. They give the undertaker a couple more lines. The Bear dentist in Indian. Territory is invented an maybe the great scene where Rooster kicks the boy off the stoop for torturing the mule then comes back out the shop and kicks him off again even though he has stopped the torture. The wicked flee when none Pursueth

    Posted 1 day ago #

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