In one world, the defining characteristic of a low traffic neighborhood is that it has reduced through traffic. Somehow councillors would have us believe that widening the pavement counts as an LTN (is Princes St not our biggest LTN then?)
CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure
News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)
(450 posts)-
Posted 3 months ago #
This will only mean more traffic cutting through the area on the way to somewhere else along on a key walking route (inc to school) where the pavement is a little more than two feet wide.
Posted 3 months ago # -
Honestly the most galling thing about this is the craven SNP [rule 2s] defending this on twitter by claiming there was no point in defending the scheme because it wasn't ambitious enough, and that if someone(not them, obviously) were to implement a *real* high quality LTN they'd be right there in the front rank to defend it.
"Yes, we widdled ourselves and ran away weeping at the sight of five old men and a smirking lib dem councillor, but array us against the much larger backlash a proper LTN would get and we will stand firm, Scout's Honour!"
Posted 3 months ago # -
I could see the argument if they abstained, saying they'd support a more ambitious LTN, but I don't think you can really get away with voting something down because it doesn't go far enough, when you know for a fact it won't be replaced with anything better
Posted 3 months ago # -
Oh Yes, the SNP were like Fredo in the Godfather - Weak
Posted 3 months ago # -
Meant to say I have worked out who Pidgin Post is but who is Jester Mouse?
Posted 3 months ago # -
Schroedinger's LTN:
“Hopefully we won’t go back to the time where you can’t get out the driveway at peak times. It was a rat run before at school times and you could sit in traffic all day unable to get in or out of your house.
Both "trapping people in their homes" when there, but also "trapping people in their homes" when not there.
Could it be the LTN is actually not related to congestion at all?
Posted 3 months ago # -
Schroedinger's road safety "expert"
I do not have young children...
...but there were already safe routes for the majority of children
Yes, I don't have young kids, but I'm also the authority on the safety of young kids
Posted 3 months ago # -
Corstorphine seems to have a few people like this?
Posted 3 months ago # -
Driveway guy cited above was in favour - living on Manse Rd. Consistent with other LTNs in the city where residents on the streets with filters are often directly benefitting and it's others who can no longer pass through making all the noise (or boundary road dwellers inaccurately blaming displacement when there's just a general post-covid / Edinburgh growth swell in congestion).
Posted 3 months ago # -
Leith LTN 6 month post-implementation monitoring was shared in the Leith Connections newsletter a couple of weeks ago -
Full report here -
Market research here -
Things seem to be generally positive, certainly compared with what I'm seeing from Corstorphine.
Posted 3 months ago # -
6 - scrap bus gate (Lib/Con/SNP)
3 - keep bus gate (Lab/Green)I just popped back to check my recollection of this and as I thought, it makes it even simpler to choose which squares to put numbers in on my ballot for the Colinton/Fairmilehead ward vacated by by the prof.
I'd already ruled out the myriad unaffiliated and whackjob party candidates, most of whom (AFAICT from what little I scanned of the leaflets they pushed through my letterbox, before filing them in the recycling bin) are extremely agitated about potholes. I mean, yes, poor road surfaces create problems - but arguably much more so for cyclists (and motorcyclists) than for drivers of four-wheeled motor vehicles, which latter (a) run far less risk of being unceremoniously unseated into the midst of traffic by ruts, ridges and cavities in the hardtop than users of single-track vehicles do, and (b) contribute overwhelmingly more to the problem in the first place.
Posted 3 months ago # -
I'm completely mystified by the electoral calculus the SNP deployed here. They won't recover much ground locally because it's always going to be seen as a failed SNP scheme that was taken down by the Lib Dems. But now Labour can claim to have defended the LTN while also placating drivers by its removal
Posted 3 months ago # -
Posted 3 months ago # -
@Dave the cynic in me(which is, who are we kidding, pretty much all of me) thinks it's less to do with elections and more about internal party politics. Councillors with their eye on reaching(or re-entering) the giddy heights of *real* politics as an MSP or MP previously looked at an at least rhetorically progressive SNP leadership, allied with the Greens, and concluded their best shot at an "in" with the high heidyins was to ape that style; cue active travel and lots of talking about SUDS and street trees. Now they look at the leadership and see the North East-aligned somewhat small-c conservative pro-oil & gas sentiments of the pre-07 SNP returning to prominence; time to shed anti-car sentiment and realign yourself as a "reasonable" centrist that wants to "bring people with you" etc.
Too many councillors see it as a job interview for proper politics and so we're not the bosses they're trying to impress.
Posted 3 months ago # -
Apparently Marco Biagio has been given a roasting by the more progressive SNPers, namely Danny Aston. And has lost his post on the TRO committee, to be replaced by one L. Macinnes
Posted 3 months ago # -
Things are looking up. Danny sensibe, Lesley understands
Posted 3 months ago # -
Cllr Marco Biagi has announced his resignation from the Council to take up another position. While we are sad to lose his dedication and expertise, we are excited for his next chapter. He will be greatly missed by colleagues and constituents alike. More to follow.
Apparently going to work for FM Swinney as a SpAd. He gave the impression he thought council work beneath him.
Posted 2 months ago # -
That's another by election in Colinton/Fairmilehead coming up.
If the Lib Dems win again then the council composition will be:
17 SNP
15 Lib Dems
11 Labour
10 Green
9 Conservative
1 Ross McKenzieAt some point will the Lib Dems eventually actually want to be the official administration?
Posted 2 months ago # -
Safety activists take Tower Hamlets mayor to court over low-traffic reversal
Save Our Safer Streets crowdfunds to challenge Lutfur Rahman over scrapping three LTNs in London borough
Posted 2 months ago # -
Edinburgh’s roads can be designed better to protect people. We would like the council to be bolder and reduce danger at source. We propose the council takes a ‘right first time’ approach and implement a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN)
Posted 1 month ago # -
I agree with that quote from that Chap Ed Hawkins he is wise beyond his years. Also has a nice hat.
Posted 1 month ago # -
I also agree with it, and am very grateful to Ed for his deputation on Thursday. The local Tory councillor isn't too keen on it though, and has taken it upon herself to post the usual ragebait for her followers rather than comment at all on the other requests that'd help children in her ward travel to school safely. At least she got my good side, relatively speaking....
Posted 1 month ago # -
When questioned on timelines, council officers claimed it would take 3 months to move some bins. Bins that are blocking sightlines and causing a safety issue for kids. 3 months!
And to design an LTN, 6 to 9 months, with 24 months for implementation!!! Can you imagine, if we are to scale up, and roll out LTNs across the city (which is what needs to happen), how long it will take?
Utterly hopeless.
And I have it on good authority that the LTN proposed by Blackford Safe Routes took a mere 15 minutes to design.
Posted 1 month ago # -
The tory councillor still hasn't seen fit to acknowledge much less reply my email from several months ago about dangerous pedestrian infra near my house (provided by a particular incident which is the closest I have come to being under (possibly on) the bonnet of a car, while crossing a road on my feet - the sort of thing where people came up to me and offered to be witnesses).
I can only conclude that she does not care, in slightest, about the safety of people who live in her ward.
Posted 1 month ago # -
Active travel infrastructure needs to be evaluated for the wider benefits it brings, not solely in terms of mode shift. This is especially important for children who also use streets for play and where subjective safety is also of importance to children and their families. For example, in evaluating low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets.“
Posted 1 month ago # -
I'd really like to hear from people who work and live in Leith how they've enjoyed the LTN - this is the final push to make it permanent and we need to gather all the positive stories that we can! Do you walk / cycle more? Let the cat out? Use fewer inhalers?
Posted 3 weeks ago # -
Low Traffic Corstorphine (LTC) has said it is deeply concerned about the recent spate of road traffic incidents in the west of the city, including a death on St John’s Road and several other collisions involving drivers and pedestrians.
The group has sent an open letter to the council asking councillors to take immediate action:
Includes a list of all the incidents that have happened in the area over the last few months.
In related but unsurprising news, ACE - the residents’ group so concerned about pedestrian safety - have disappeared since they got the bus gate removed.
Posted 3 weeks ago # -
@Stickman, ACE were single issue cats or cat?
Posted 3 weeks ago #
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