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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

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  1. Dave

    In one world, the defining characteristic of a low traffic neighborhood is that it has reduced through traffic. Somehow councillors would have us believe that widening the pavement counts as an LTN (is Princes St not our biggest LTN then?)

    Posted 1 day ago #
  2. chdot

    This will only mean more traffic cutting through the area on the way to somewhere else along on a key walking route (inc to school) where the pavement is a little more than two feet wide.

    Posted 1 day ago #
  3. Yodhrin

    Honestly the most galling thing about this is the craven SNP [rule 2s] defending this on twitter by claiming there was no point in defending the scheme because it wasn't ambitious enough, and that if someone(not them, obviously) were to implement a *real* high quality LTN they'd be right there in the front rank to defend it.

    "Yes, we widdled ourselves and ran away weeping at the sight of five old men and a smirking lib dem councillor, but array us against the much larger backlash a proper LTN would get and we will stand firm, Scout's Honour!"

    Posted 14 hours ago #
  4. Dave

    I could see the argument if they abstained, saying they'd support a more ambitious LTN, but I don't think you can really get away with voting something down because it doesn't go far enough, when you know for a fact it won't be replaced with anything better

    Posted 10 hours ago #
  5. gembo

    Oh Yes, the SNP were like Fredo in the Godfather - Weak

    Posted 7 hours ago #

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